
Good Customer Service Keeps Its Promises

Say What You’ll Do and Do What You Say By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Repeated stories in these posts relate to cell phone companies. It’s a sad commentary on the industry, yet these lessons apply to all businesses.  For cell phone companies, a disregard for existing customers and preference for new business drives existing customers […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Provide Multi-Channel Access

Be Sure You Deliver the Options Today’s Consumers Expect By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD For years we’ve talked about the need for healthcare call centers to become contact centers. This name realignment shifts our attention from telephone calls to embrace other forms of contact as well. This is a multi-channel mindset, and we provide multi-channel […]

Writing and Publishing

Where Did It Go?

I really, really try to not go back and read what I have already posted.  First of all, it’s not a good use of my time. Secondly, revisiting my work causes me to either be too critical of what I wrote or too generous–neither of which is a healthy consideration. Last, with each re-read, I will inevitably […]

Writing and Publishing

Are You a Linear Thinker or 3D?

Effective communication should address both linear and 3D thinkers Linear thinking people process thoughts and ideas in succession, logically moving from one point to the next 3D thinking people jump from one thought or idea to another, which often seems to have little connection with each other. Printed material, such as magazines and books, lend […]

Call Center

Look Forward To Embrace The New Year

Seek to Control Whatever You Can to Produce Optimum Outcomes By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. The last two years have been rough. And I’m ready to embrace the new year. Though I hate to tap the too-often-stated label of unprecedented, it’s an apt description of what we’ve been through. Just as individuals have suffered, so […]

Writing and Publishing

What Are the Chief Weakness of Self-Published Books

As I read more and more self-published books, I’m dismayed over a reoccurring theme: many lack robust editing. That’s not to imply these works had no editing at all, most did. It’s just that they lacked full editing. The first reminder to every writer is we can’t truly edit our own work. True, we must […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Consider Three Customer Service Channels

Enhance Patient Communication by Applying Customer Service Skills to Your Call Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Customer service can occur at various touch points from the telephone, to on-line, to in-person. Consider each one of these as it relates to your medical call center operation. The Telephone Channel The obvious and common source of […]


The Name Game

Use Names to Facilitate Effective Communication and Not Obscure It By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In “The Perfect Answer,” we talked about using your name when answering phone calls. This makes a personal connection with the caller and facilitates productive communication to result in positive outcomes. Besides phone calls, names are equally important for online […]

Writing and Publishing

Social Media Content

For social media, I post an excerpt from my blog posts on social media, with a link pointing back to that post on my website. Though social media platforms prefer you don’t do this, because they want to keep you on their site, I want to get people to my site. That’s what is most […]

Telephone Answering Service

Conduct a Year-End Review

To Know Where You’re Headed You Must First Determine Where You Are By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Year end is an especially busy time at most telephone answering services, but that’s not an excuse to focus strictly on the present and stop thinking about the future. In fact, December is an ideal time to give […]