Call Center

Call Center Work-at-Home Opportunities

The Benefits of Home-Based Telephone Agents By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the past few years, we’ve seen an unprecedented move to pursue work-at-home opportunities in call centers. Granted, a few operations were already there. And some outright reject home-based staff as an option. But others have embraced a distributed workforce as a new way […]

Call Center

Look Forward To Embrace The New Year

Seek to Control Whatever You Can to Produce Optimum Outcomes By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. The last two years have been rough. And I’m ready to embrace the new year. Though I hate to tap the too-often-stated label of unprecedented, it’s an apt description of what we’ve been through. Just as individuals have suffered, so […]

Call Center

Dealing With Staff Shortages

Tips to Achieve a Full Schedule for Your Call Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. For years many call centers have faced an ongoing challenge to fully staff their operation. But over the last year and a half this quest has become even more difficult, with an increased number of people opting to stay home […]

Call Center

Call Center Innovation Provides Fresh Opportunities

Develop a Mindset of Ongoing Change to Produce Meaningful Results By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Most call center owners and managers want to see innovation in their call center. They yearn for leading-edge solutions that will promote quality and drive client loyalty. These are lofty goals. And they are also equally hard to realize. In […]

Call Center

Create Sticky Customer Service in Your Call Center

Real World Customer Service Stories to Inform Your Practices By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD For over twenty years I’ve written a “From the Publisher” column in each issue of Connections Magazine. For many years that meant six columns a year, although it initially was four and at one time it ballooned up to ten, but […]

Call Center

The Benefits of Home-Based Call Center Agents

Discover Why Every Call Center Should Move Toward Having a Remote Staff By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Many businesses struggle to find entry-level employees. This includes the call center industry. Though the technology to allow for remote work has existed for a long time—and continues to get better—some call centers are reluctant to embrace the […]

Call Center

A Vast Repository of Call Center Industry Articles

Three Decades of Valuable Industry Content Available at No Charge By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Every article that appeared in Connections Magazine for the past twenty years is available online, as well as most of the articles that occurred in the eight years prior to that, starting with Volume 1, Number 1 in July 1993. […]

Call Center

Welcome to Connections Magazine 3.0

Read Connections Magazine Anywhere You Have Internet Access By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As announced last year, the January 2021 issue of Connections Magazine marks an exciting turning point for us. Following a long-standing industry trend, Connections Magazine is now exclusively an online e-publication. We’ve gone all digital. This means you can access all our […]

Call Center

Introducing Connections Magazine 3.0

Discover What’s Next for Connections Magazine By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Over its twenty-eight-year history, Connections Magazine has seen many industry changes, with technological innovation leading the way. For industry veterans, recall what your call center looked like three decades ago. It was a vastly different operation from what you have today. We’ve also seen […]

Call Center

A New Opportunity for the Call Center Industry

Working from Home Is the Ideal Solution to Keep Employees Safe and Healthy By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD We never know what the future will hold, but we do know that what lies ahead will most assuredly be quite different from what last year held. As you grapple with staffing issues for your call center […]