Writing and Publishing

Why Printed Books Are Still Relevant

Though e-books receive all of the hype, printed books are still important, for both readers and authors People like to talk about what is new, what is exciting, and what is fresh. That’s why the book publishing industry has so much buzz about reading digital books and listening to audiobooks. I’m not going to dismiss […]

Writing and Publishing

Consider the Future of Book Publishing

What do the days ahead hold for those of us who publish books?  What is the future of book publishing? Given the rapid changes the industry is undergoing, we anticipate a different tomorrow, but just how much different will it be? Will today’s roles even exist in a decade or two? Predicting the future or […]

Writing and Publishing

The Power of Podcasting: Four Reasons to Have an Author Podcast

It seems people are jumping on the podcasting bandwagon. They want to grow their audience and build their platform in order to sell their books (or whatever other product or service they have to offer). This makes sense. Look at the recent surge of interest in audiobooks, with people who “read” books by listening to […]

Writing and Publishing

Should You Produce Audiobooks?

Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment of the publishing industry. And the demand for audiobooks will remain strong. Younger generations love audio, a habit they will retain as they grow older. Therefore, audiobooks are something we should consider. But audiobooks are also expensive to produce, much more so than e-books and print books. So before jumping […]

Writing and Publishing

ISBNs and Indie-Published Books

Do you wonder about getting ISBNs for your indie-published books? It’s not too important to have an ISBN for e-books. I’ve heard of several successful indie authors who see no point in it. However, having an ISBN does make a book seem more professional and part of mainstream book publishing. But aside from the image […]

Writing and Publishing

What is the Future of Book Publishing?

Will book publishing follow the path of the music and movie industries? When people look at the future of book publishing they often draw parallels to music and video. In many ways this is instructive, but not in all cases. What does the future hold for digital books? Digital Music and Video Look at the […]

Writing and Publishing

3 Types of Self-Publishing

Explore the 3 Types of Self-Publishing: Print, E-books, & Audio Self-publishing once vilified as an exercise in vanity, is now accepted as a viable option by most everyone—except perhaps those who earn a living in traditional publishing. Consider the three self-publishing options. Three Self-Publishing Options There are three segments to self-publishing: e-publishing (for Kindle and […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Believe in Print?

Despite Interest in Audio and E-books, Don’t Write Off Print As writers, our books can appear in three primary formats: printed books, e-books, and audiobooks. Audio Books Audiobooks have enjoyed a resurgence of late. Gone are the days of books on tape. Now it is digital files that readers listen to from their smartphones. This […]

Writing and Publishing

How Do You Get an ISBN For Your Book?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It’s a globally accepted standard for identifying books. Your book needs an ISBN if it is to be viable: most retailers require it, and it helps people find your book. Probably the only reason not to have an ISBN is if you aren’t going to sell your book […]


Good News: Reading Is Here to Stay

As Long as There are Readers, Writers Will Have Work to Do “Reading is here to stay,” wrote Robert M. Sacks in the November/December 2012 issue of Publishing Executive magazine. His astute observation caught my attention, captivating my thoughts, both then and even more so today. Discussions and speculation about the rapid evolution in the […]