Sharpen Your Focus on What Matters Most By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Telephone answering services face a myriad of challenges. These range from competing options to technological solutions, from cost-effective service offerings to ensuring profitability. As a result, it’s easy to lose sight of the basics. Here are the key considerations of customer communications 101: […]
Tag: customer service
Focus What You Do Based on What Matters Most to Your Patients By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Our call center platforms generate a myriad of statistics. The vast number of them is sure to overwhelm any manager, so we pick a few key ones to track. Common ones are average speed to answer, hold time, […]
Don’t Let the Day-to-Day Pressures of Running Your TAS Push Aside What Matters More By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Running a telephone answering service is a challenging proposition. It seems there’s always too much to do and not enough time to do it. Therefore, it’s understandable when the day ends before you complete your to-do-list. […]
Think Like a Caller and Not a Call Center Manager By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In healthcare we talk about the needs of patients, and in call centers we talk about the needs of callers, that is patients who call on the phone. Yet both needs are challenging to fully attend to when we’re deep […]
Lessen Healthcare Frustrations By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Talk to just about anyone today about healthcare and they’ll voice frustrations. Providers are frustrated that they’re hampered from giving the best care to patients. Patients are frustrated with the complexities of navigating the healthcare system and receiving the care they want. They especially balk at automation […]
Top Metrics for Evaluating Performance and Efficacy By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Call centers have been around for decades, and the industry has an established set of proven metrics to measure overall performance and outcomes. Let’s take a moment to review some of these top call center metrics to use in measuring success. Then consider […]
Incorporate Best Practices into Your Customer Survey Process By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Do you survey your customers or clients? Should you do a customer survey? And if you already have a survey process in place, do the results meet your needs? Or should it be overhauled or even retired? Regardless of where you are […]
Don’t Stay in Your Silo or Function in Isolation By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I once needed to call a company in the healthcare sector. With their call center I encountered long wait times, surly representatives, and little help in resolving my dilemma. I made many unsuccessful phone calls. At last, one rep transferred me […]
Admit Your Service Faults Instead of Blaming the Pandemic By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Different countries around the world and various areas within have had differing responses to the covid pandemic. For some it is but a memory—albeit a painful one. Others, however, are only now beginning to emerge from its grip, with its influence […]
Remote Patient Monitoring
Add New Services to Better Serve Your Stakeholders By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Whether you’re an in-house medical call center provider or a for-profit outsourcer, look for ways to add more services to better serve your stakeholders. This will increase your value to them and help your community. It will also increase the value of […]