Healthcare Call Centers

5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Your Job

Working in a Medical Call Center is Hard, but Don’t Forget the Good Parts By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Have you ever left your call center and wished you didn’t have to come back? Of course, you have. Yet you return. Having this feeling means you care and prove you’re normal. Working in a medical […]

Writing and Publishing

The Purpose of Blogging: Discover When and Why to Blog

Blogging is important, but what is the purpose of blogging? Blogging serves two purposes. The First Purpose of Blogging: To Write Better First, blogging can help us improve as a writer, train us to meet deadlines, and encourage us to write regularly. Blogging helps us get better as writers—and we all want to do that. […]

Call Center

Customer Service Makes the Difference

The Way Companies Deal with Customer Issues Has Future Implications By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A day and a half into my week, and I’ve already endured three major customer service issues from three vendors. Their responses could not have been more different. One issue was with a global company that whisks money around the […]

Writing and Publishing

What Is Your Twitter Strategy? Discover How to Use Social Media

At one time, publishers would be impressed with your sheer number of Twitter followers (or Facebook likes), but now their focus is more on engagement. What is your Twitter strategy to build your author platform? Are you interacting with your Twitter followers? Do you try to connect with them, and do they appreciate the value […]


Let’s Watch a Movie

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD When someone says, “Let’s watch a movie,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Do you immediately think of a group outing to go watch the latest flick? Perhaps your preferred viewing venue is the more cozy environment of your living room couch. Could it be that watching a […]

Writing and Publishing

Self-Editing Options to Improve Our Writing

Self-editing is hard for most writers, I suspect all writers. We know what we meant to write, so that’s what we tend to see when we try to edit our work. To combat this, try these self-editing options. To find errors, such as typos, missing words, extra words, and confusing phrases, I use text-to-speech software […]

Telephone Answering Service

Ideas to Streamline Agent Training

Look to Increase the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Instructing New Employees By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Last month we looked at ways to streamline answering service agent hiring. Now that they’re hired, the next step is to optimize their training. For this initiative, we have two potential goals. One is to train better, and the […]

Writing and Publishing

Five Things You Can Do With E-Books

There is some writing that we almost never see in printed form, due to its length, content, format, market size, or other factors. When it comes to e-books these are no longer issues. Here are five things we can do with e-books that we seldom see in print. Novellas A novella is a work of […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Blog Your Fiction Book

We discussed ways to connect our blog with our book, which works well for memoir and nonfiction but not so much for fiction. While the vision is clear to blogging a memoir or nonfiction work, it’s murky when it comes to fiction. With fiction, we can’t simply blog excerpts from our book because we will […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Today’s Employees Want to Make a Difference

Give Staff Opportunities to Make an Impact through Their Work By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We’ve been considering five strategies to retain call center staff. The first four are through agent compensation, agent benefits, learning situations, and growth potential. Now we’ll address the fifth one. It’s showing staff how they can make a difference in […]