Writing and Publishing

How to Register Your Copyright

Registering a copyright for a book is the best practice for a career author and helps protect our intellectual property, a key asset for many authors. Registering our copyright provides a stronger legal footing if anyone ever disputes ownership or authorship of our work. Additionally, a registered copyright is essential in the event of a […]

Writing and Publishing

Should You Produce Audiobooks?

Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment of the publishing industry. And the demand for audiobooks will remain strong. Younger generations love audio, a habit they will retain as they grow older. Therefore, audiobooks are something we should consider. But audiobooks are also expensive to produce, much more so than e-books and print books. So before jumping […]

Writing and Publishing

It’s Hard to Land a Publishing Deal

It’s harder now than ever to land a traditional publishing deal. Publishers are risk-averse and generally require that you have a platform to promote and sell books. Most traditional publishers won’t work directly with authors. They require you to have an agent. An agent only makes money if they land a publishing deal for their […]

Telephone Answering Service

Is It Time to Rethink Your TAS for the Long Term?

Apply Your Experiences of the Past Year to Chart Your Future Course By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Throughout my career, at both the businesses I’ve managed and the ones I’ve owned, I’ve sought incremental improvements, making small ongoing tweaks on a regular basis. By fine-tuning processes and paradigms over time, I made the operation better […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Who Signs Your Paycheck?

Knowing Who You Work for Helps You Do a Better Job By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Do you know who signs your paycheck? Whose signature is it that authorizes payment for the work you do? This, of course, is a theoretical question because most workers today receive their compensation electronically. It shows up in their […]

Call Center

A Vast Repository of Call Center Industry Articles

Three Decades of Valuable Industry Content Available at No Charge By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Every article that appeared in Connections Magazine for the past twenty years is available online, as well as most of the articles that occurred in the eight years prior to that, starting with Volume 1, Number 1 in July 1993. […]

Healthcare Call Centers

How to Setup a Quality Assurance Program f Your Call Center Operation

Work to Enhance Customer Service to Better Meet Caller Expectations By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD What does your healthcare call center do to improve quality interactions with your callers and patients? While some call centers have robust programs in place, others struggle with implementation or following through, and a few keep putting it off.  Regardless […]

Writing and Publishing

Self-Editing Tips for Writers

It’s hard to catch mistakes in our own writing. No matter how hard I try, I still miss a lot. With every piece I get back from an editor, I’m dismayed over the many errors I didn’t catch, even though I know better. Of course, they also spot many mistakes I would have never caught, […]

Telephone Answering Service

How Well Do You Work from Home?

Empower Employees to Excel Regardless of Where Their Office Is By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD We are now approaching one year since many businesses sent employees home to work. Though some staff have returned to the office, either all the time or on select days, many workers continue to toil from their homes. Some have […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Mixing Full-time And Part-time Call Center Staff

Discover the Right Balance in Agent Scheduling for Your Healthcare Contact Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Some healthcare call centers only employ full-time staff. Others do the opposite and only hire part-timers. The ideal solution might be to balance a combination of both full-time and part-time agents. Full-Time Call Center Agents A key benefit […]