Writing and Publishing

What is the Ideal Writing Process?

What works for one writer may not work for other writers and that’s okay Every writer has a different method of writing. I know that because many of you tell me. Schedule Some write every day (like me) and others do not. Motivation Others wait for inspiration and some sit down and write regardless of […]

Writing and Publishing

Celebrate Being a Writer

Even though it took me a while to call myself a writer, I’ve been writing most of my life. In high school, I learned I had a knack for it, and it’s been part of almost every job I’ve had. Although I’ve had some great jobs, my work as a full-time writer is the most […]


Reading Goals for Writers

It’s important for writers to read, and many writers make an annual reading list of what books to read. But because I need to push myself to read, my overarching requirement is that the book interests me. This limits the range of what I read, which is not a good thing, but it’s better than […]

Writing and Publishing

How Do You Find Time to Write?

Writers struggle to find time to write, but the solution is simple I commonly hear writers complain that they don’t have time to write. Some say “no time” and others say “not enough time.” Time, it seems, stands as the enemy of writing. Yet the fact remains that everyone has twenty-four hours in their day. […]

Writing and Publishing

Was 2016 Your Best Year Ever or an Epic Fail?

We need a realistic view of our history to plan a reasonable vision for our future My wife sometimes says I view things as though my glass is only half-full, that I’m pessimistic. I counter that I’m simply being a realist, but the truth is I’m not sure who’s right. Perhaps a bit of reality […]

Writing and Publishing

What to Do When You Hit the Wall

When our carefully constructed world of work comes crashing down, follow these steps to reconstruct it Writers are often amazed at the amount of writing I do on a daily and weekly basis. They ask how I manage to consistently stay productive. Part of it is my stage of life, part of it is discipline, […]

Writing and Publishing

3 Reasons Why Writers Need Deadlines

Having a firm due date provides authors with three essential benefits Few people enjoy being confronted by a deadline. And due dates apply to writers perhaps more than most others. Deadlines harass us; they make us write when we’d rather do something else, something fun, important, or beneficial. Due dates force us to make sacrifices, […]

Writing and Publishing

Six Writing Goals to Spur Us On

To make progress in their work, writers must have a plan to move their writing towards completion When I write, I always have a goal. Without an objective to strive for, I wouldn’t write too much, if at all. I’m sure I’d spend more time thinking about writing than actually writing. The biggest byproduct would […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing is Not a Hope, it is a Habit

Real writers make a commitment to write, and that requires sacrifice Though I sometimes talk about when I write and how much, I’m always reluctant to do so. Writing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. We are individuals with different family situations, who are at different life stages and have different levels of obligations. What works […]

Writing and Publishing

Why Writers Shouldn’t Wait for Inspiration

Professionals don’t need the inspiration to write; they push on without it Sometimes I’m just minding my own business, not giving my writing a conscious thought when an idea pops into my mind—a really great one. Inspiration hits me like a lightning bolt. If at all possible I stop what I’m doing and write. Even […]