Writing and Publishing

Tips for Ghostwriting Books

I’ve ghostwritten a couple of books and enjoyed doing so. The payment is almost always a fixed rate, paid in installments. The first payment is required to start the work, and the final payment is due when the writer submits the finished product to the author. (The person who hires you is the author—you are […]

Writing and Publishing

Ghostwriting Rates

I didn’t know what I was doing for the first book I ghostwrote and charged in the mid-four figures. But it was an easy project, so my compensation worked out okay. My second ghostwriting experience was much more involved, and I charged twice as much. The fees for that book turned out okay, as well. […]

Writing and Publishing

Tips on Being a Ghostwriter

I’ve ghostwritten some books and enjoyed doing so. The payment is almost always a fixed rate, paid in installments. Require the first payment before starting the project, and the final payment is due when the writer submits the finished product to the author. (The person who hires you is the author, and you are the […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Always Know What to Write When it’s Time to Blog

Maintain an idea repository to jumpstart your creativity every time you sit down to write Each week I create several posts for my blogs. I also compose posts for others (content marketing). In addition, I need to produce columns for my various publications. At a minimum, I write five new pieces a week, sometimes upwards […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Suffer From Marketing Inadequacy?

The success some authors have in marketing their books can overwhelm writers or even cause them to give up Last week we talked about how to deal with writer envy, of how to avoid having the abilities of other writers overwhelm us. While the threat of writer envy does assault me from time to time, […]

Writing and Publishing

Why Writers Need to Develop Their Writing Style

Our writing style will help us find work, sell our writing, and grow an audience. When people hire me they often say “I like your writing style” or share some similar sentiment. (I do content marketing, ghostwriting, commercial freelance work, and whatnot.) I’m glad they appreciate how I write. It helps us start our working […]

Writing and Publishing

Block Out Four Hours to Write

Last week I blogged about forming a habit to write regularly as prompted by the book The One Thing. A second idea that resonated with me from Gary Keller and Jay Papasan’s book is the idea of blocking out time to focus on one thing, in my case writing. While most people might strive to […]

Writing and Publishing

What Spurs You On In Your Writing?

Are you fortunate to love what you do? In last week’s post, I said writing is fun. While acknowledging that some writers don’t like to write, I am the opposite: I love to write. A number of things contribute to my joy of writing: I see improvement in my writing Whenever I read my past […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Really Want to be a Ghostwriter?

If all you want to do is write, you should be a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters don’t need to seek an agent, sign with a publisher, or promote their books. They just write. The downside of being a ghostwriter is they seldom receive recognition for their work, just a paycheck. In some books, the ghostwriter is mentioned, […]

Writing and Publishing

Will Blog For Money

12 Questions to Ask Before Becoming a Blogger for Hire A company asked my friend to write blog content for their website, and he wasn’t sure where to start. He called for advice. “So, what’s a blog?” I skipped the pat answer and connected with his experience. “It’s short articles posted online.” I referred him […]