Writing and Publishing

How to Deal With Writers Block

Writer’s block is not knowing what to write or being unable to write. Some writers become frustrated when I say I’ve never had writer’s block. Seriously, I haven’t. Some think I’m lying and others wonder if something’s wrong with them. Yes, there are times when writing is harder than others. There are times when the […]

Writing and Publishing

Are You Alliterate? Four Tips for Successful Alliteration

Are you alliterate? I don’t mean literate (that you can read) or illiterate (that you can’t read) but alliterate (that you can use alliteration: the repetition of similar sounds at the beginning of words). Are you prone to exercise alliteration when you write? I am most fond of alliteration. I use it whenever possible; it […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Vital Signs: The Internet of Things Intersects Healthcare

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The term “Internet of Things” may be new to you, or it might be something you’ve already grown weary of with eye-rolling boredom. Though a definition for the Internet of Things is still evolving, expect to hear a lot more about it in the future. Basically, the Internet of Things […]

Writing and Publishing

When Your Writing Group Fails

I’m a big advocate of writing critique groups. My group has moved me forward as a writer and improved the quality of my work. And everyone who attends regularly has improved, too. We encourage one another, celebrate our victories, and never have to struggle alone. Plus, they’re a great group to hang out with. However, […]

Writing and Publishing

What’s Your Motivation?

If you are reading this blog, it’s likely because you are a writer (or at least are moving in that direction). Why do you write? What motivates you? What causes you to put in the work when other people or pursuits beckon? If the answer is fame, money, or easy work, you hold unrealistic expectations. […]

Writing and Publishing

Does the Thought of Marketing Your Book Make You Squirm?

This blog is about writing. An important aspect of writing is marketing what we write, first to get it published and then to get it to read. I don’t talk much about promotion because, like many authors, I don’t like to do it. What do you think about when it comes to marketing your own […]

Writing and Publishing

Becoming a Hybrid Author: A Case Study of Author Robin Mellom

Fellow writer and cyber-friend Robin Mellom just self-published her new book, Perfect Timing. I first heard about Robin through Writer’s Digest when they highlighted her as a debut novelist for her book, Ditched, a YA (young adult) romantic comedy. Although intrigued, I figured I was too old to read YA, but soon the compelling storyline […]

Telephone Answering Service

Does Your TAS Have a Blog?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A blog is a great way to connect with people online. It also provides fresh content, which makes search engines happy. And happy search engines show your site to more people, giving you a higher position in their listings. If a blog brings more people to your site, it seems […]

Writing and Publishing

Our Writing Must Follow Expected Conventions

I recently read a short story by a young author. I enjoyed her plot, her imagination, and her use of words. One thing I didn’t like was missing apostrophes in all her contractions. Each time I encountered a contraction sans apostrophe it took me out of her story. These reoccurring speed bumps reduced my enjoyment […]

Writing and Publishing

Creating Your Elevator Pitch: Don’t Leave This to Chance

I hate asking new authors, “What’s your book about?” They panic; they stammer; they ramble. Five minutes later, I’m still not sure. Telltale signs that communication is not occurring are phrases like, “Then in chapter two…” or “Oh, I forgot to mention…” or “I haven’t worked this part out yet.” When my eyes glaze over, […]