
The Truth about College

It May Not Matter as Much As You Think By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It amuses me to tell people I went to college for 40 years. Their reactions vary from shock to admiration, from pity to surprise. As a high school sophomore, I learned the local community college would admit selecting high school seniors. […]

Writing and Publishing

3 Types of Self-Publishing

Explore the 3 Types of Self-Publishing: Print, E-books, & Audio Self-publishing once vilified as an exercise in vanity, is now accepted as a viable option by most everyone—except perhaps those who earn a living in traditional publishing. Consider the three self-publishing options. Three Self-Publishing Options There are three segments to self-publishing: e-publishing (for Kindle and […]

Writing and Publishing

Blogging is a Basic Form of Self-Publishing

A Blog connects writers directly to readers with no middlemen, delays, or layers of isolation. At one time, not too long ago, most everyone decried self-publishing as second-rate, used only by the marginal scribe and unpublishable writer. This is no longer the case. After all, blogging is publishing. Self-Publishing Now most everyone (except perhaps traditional […]

Telephone Answering Service

How to Make Your Website Shine

Discover How to Make Your Website an Essential Marketing Resource By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In Does Your TAS Have a Great Website? we talked about the importance of having a killer website to serve as your online home base for your marketing plan. You can hire a professional web developer to do this for […]

Writing and Publishing

Why I’m Bullish about Printed Books

The future for print books is strong and ripe with opportunity Michael Weinstein, in his “Publishing Panorama” blog at, posted this headline: “Report from the Publishing Business Conference: This Just In Sky Not Falling!” This was four years ago. I think his conclusions about printed books are even truer today. Citing many credible and […]

Writing and Publishing

Self-Publishing Versus Pursuing a Traditional Book Deal

Should You Bother to Pursue a Traditional Publisher? Traditional Authors Traditional publishing requires less of the author, will likely result in more book sales, and carries the prestige of a publisher selecting your book for publication. The negatives include the effort to find a publisher, the length of time to publish the book, and earning […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Provide Meaningful Agent Benefits to Improve Agent Retention

Spend More on Retaining Staff and Less on Hiring and Training Their Replacements By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We’ve looked at five tips to better retain call center staff. Agent compensation is first on most people’s list. However, it might not be the most important item, merely the one most cited. Pay rate alone isn’t […]

Writing and Publishing

What is the Ultimate Reading Device?

There’s Kindle, Nook, Kobo eReader, tablets, and apps. Which one is the ultimate e-reader? Which one will rise to the top, replace its competitors, and survive as the reader of choice? Which one is the ultimate reading device that will endure long into the future? The answer is none of them! What is the ultimate […]

Writing and Publishing

Do Readers Want Digital Instead of Print?

For magazine publishers, there’s a lot of hype and excitement about reading magazines and books electronically. All variety of statistics are being bandied about to support the deluge of digital. Studies are being conducted and consultants are consulting. There is euphoria over electronic reading. But is it warranted? While digital reading is a tantalizing development […]


The Pursuit of Perfection

Do You Want a Staff of Perfectionists? By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Some managers say “yes,” whereas others respond with a resounding “no.” The informed answer is, “it all depends.” Here’s why: Of that portion of the populace who are perfectionists, some are blindly or proudly so. Others are self-aware of possessing this characteristic and […]