Writing and Publishing

Call Yourself a Writer

I remember it well. Alone, I sit in my home office. I should be working. I’m not. I’m distracted. In my windowless basement room, I swing the door shut and dim the lights. I know what I must do, but I don’t want to. I’ve been writing and publishing for years, but I’ve never owned […]


It’s Your Move: Life Lessons From the Game of Chess

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD My cousins taught me how to play chess when I was in third grade. My parents, doubting I could grasp the complexities of the game, urged caution and tried to lower my expectations. Yet I forged ahead. My oldest cousin patiently taught me the names of the pieces and how […]


Going from Good to Better

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I remember years ago as I gazed about my office, I am amused at its absurdity. It contained an eclectic array of form and function. Although my computer technology was first-rate, the room’s remaining accouterments were a varied collection emanating from different decades, with the diverging appearance and disparate degrees […]


The Pursuit of Perfection

Do You Want a Staff of Perfectionists? By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Some managers say “yes,” whereas others respond with a resounding “no.” The informed answer is, “it all depends.” Here’s why: Of that portion of the populace who are perfectionists, some are blindly or proudly so. Others are self-aware of possessing this characteristic and […]


Are You Really Too Busy? Seven Steps to Reclaim Your Life

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Perhaps you’ve heard this story. Imagine you’re sitting in a college class. It’s one of those big classrooms, with tiered seating, able to accommodate hundreds of students. The class is assembled in expectation; what will the prof do today? At exactly 8 o’clock, he strides in and without acknowledging the […]


Realizing Positive Outcomes

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As a publisher of trade magazines, I travel to conventions and industry shows. Before that, as a consultant, I traveled to my clients’ offices. Therefore, it may surprise you that I don’t like to travel, especially to fly—unpredictable, impersonal, and a loss of control. I am a homebody, perfectly content […]

Writing and Publishing

UR Turn: What’s the Most Encouraging Thing Anyone Has Ever Told You?

A simple word of encouragement can mean a lot to a writer As a person who uses words to make a living, words have a great impact on me. The words of others have encouraged me—and discouraged me. Even the lack of words, the things left unsaid, can have a powerful effect—a negative effect. The […]


Shoot the Puck

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I have been following the sport of hockey. Before that, a myriad of other athletic diversions captured my attention. As a youngster, I did what many of my peers did and played Little League baseball. Not that I was good at it or particularly enjoyed it. In fact, after four […]


Watch Your Attitude

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD On a weekend trip my wife and I found ourselves at a fast-food restaurant for breakfast. “I’ll have a number 10,” I decisively told the perky teenage girl at the counter. She acknowledged my request and smiled pleasantly. This encouraged me to make small talk while my wife contemplated her […]


A Timely Phone Call Can Make All the Difference

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Recently I experienced poor customer service and great customer service. Both happened the same day; both came from the same organization. By choice I bank locally. My bank has a main office and two branches. For twelve years, I’ve always used the same branch. When I make a deposit, I […]