Healthcare Call Centers

Offer Learning Opportunities to Better Retain Staff

Everyone Wins When You Provide Strategic Training for Your Staff By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We’ve looked at five tips to better retain call center staff. The first two addressed agent compensation and agent benefits. Now we’re going to look at learning opportunities. Today’s entry-level workforce values jobs that allow them to grow mentally. Educational […]

Writing and Publishing

3 Perspectives on Print Versus Digital Publishing

The form that a published book takes doesn’t matter as much as many people think Publishers, authors, and readers each approach the print versus digital debate from different perspectives. Among these three points of view exist an array of opinions. Consider: Publisher Perspective Publishers are in business to make money. Never forget that. They aren’t […]

Writing and Publishing

Don’t Debate Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

There are 4 reasons why self-publishing versus traditional publishing doesn’t matter Authors often wonder if they should bypass finding a traditional publisher and just self-publish their books. It’s a weighty question with a plethora of answers. Each option possesses a list of book publishing pros and cons, warranting careful consideration, but today I’ll share four […]

Telephone Answering Service

The Essential Pages Every TAS Website Should Have

An Effective Website Doesn’t Need to Be Big, but It Does Need to Cover the Basics By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In Does, Your TAS Have a Great Website? we looked at how to make your website stand out as an essential marketing resource for your answering service. The tips offered aren’t revolutionary and comprise […]

Writing and Publishing

How Can Publishers Become Developers?

Is it enough for authors to embrace a publishing mindset or must they go further? I read, “publishers are becoming developers.” This sounds profound, but what does it mean that publishers become developers? A publisher is someone who prepares and issues information or material. A developer is someone who creates, who builds, who advances. How […]


The Myth of Self-Service

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The idea of self-service has existed in many industries for years and even decades. This includes self-serve gas pumps, checking your own groceries, buying airline tickets online, and banking. Gas Stations First, let’s consider gas stations. Unless you are a 30-something driver or younger, you probably remember the days of […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Weak Link of Medical Call Centers

Advances in Agent Performance Can’t Overcome Deficiencies in Backend Systems By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Whenever I place a phone call to a business, I carefully observe what happens. After spending most of my adult life in some aspect of the call center industry, I can’t help it. Based on my observations, I’m happy to […]

Writing and Publishing

Grammar Checking Programs

I once signed up for a trial of It’s a most impressive grammar checker. The problem was that it was too sophisticated for me. It flagged many things to check, but I lacked the needed background to comprehend the issues. Many of their suggestions were beyond me. However, I recently took a fresh look […]

Call Center

What Kind of Customer Experience Do You Provide?

Customer Experience Is More Than a Buzzword—It’s the Path to Success By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD People love to share their stories about their experiences when interacting with various companies. They post things online, which can have a far reach and may go viral. They also tell people face-to-face, which doesn’t have the reach but […]

Writing and Publishing

What is the Future of Book Publishing?

Will book publishing follow the path of the music and movie industries? When people look at the future of book publishing they often draw parallels to music and video. In many ways this is instructive, but not in all cases. What does the future hold for digital books? Digital Music and Video Look at the […]