Writing and Publishing

Use the Right Editor for Your Book

Following every suggestion from the wrong editor leads to wrong results In my work as a magazine publisher I learned early on that I needed an editor. After a couple of issues with embarrassing mistakes, I realized I would never catch all the errors myself. I hired someone to edit the articles before the printing […]

Call Center

Healthcare Is Hot – Is Your Contact Center Ready?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD For the past five years, Connections Magazine has taken one issue each year to focus on healthcare, be it telehealth, telephone triage, or healthcare contact centers. For the last couple of years, this has occurred in our March issue. Our sister publication, AnswerStat, focuses on the healthcare contact center industry. […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Always Know What to Write

By following these four simple steps writers should always be ready to write A common complaint among writers is not knowing what to write. With a dearth of ideas they procrastinate, wasting time at the keyboard or even failing to sit down. They wait for inspiration or need a looming deadline to motivate them. And […]

Writing and Publishing

Check Out the Legal Handbook for Authors

Self-Published Author and Business Attorney Writes Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook Helen Sedwick, a self-published author and business attorney, shares vital legal information for all writers whether self-published, traditionally published, or not-yet-published. Billed as “the step-by-step guide to protecting your copyright, avoiding scams and lawsuits, [and] maximizing tax deductions” Legal Handbook answers questions that most authors struggle […]

Writing and Publishing

What Writers Do When Inspiration Hits

Learn to capitalize on creative vision whenever and wherever it occurs Last week we talked about why we shouldn’t wait for inspiration in order to write. But that doesn’t mean we always work in the absence of creative vision. Sometimes inspiration hits and promises to propel our words forward. When this happens, we must make […]

Writing and Publishing

Should You Use Video to Grow Your Platform?

Video may be the next step in connecting and engaging with an audience With advances in technology, and the power residing on every smartphone, it has never been easier to record a video and start a vlog. A vlog is a video blog. I’m a huge proponent of blogging and in the past tried the […]

Telephone Answering Service

Change is Normal—So Embrace It

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In reviewing my past five columns in TAS Trader I see a trend in what I’ve written. I can best summarize this theme as embracing change. Indeed I wrote about looking forward to the new year, re-envisioning ourselves as information processors, asking is our industry shrinking, looking at our changing […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Welcome to the New AnswerStat

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD We open 2016 with a new approach to AnswerStat. This occurred after consultation with our key advertisers and while keeping your needs in mind. First, what stays the same: We will continue to serve you, our loyal readers, with six issues a year. We will continue to have industry-relevant content […]

Writing and Publishing

Why Writers Shouldn’t Wait for Inspiration

Professionals don’t need the inspiration to write; they push on without it Sometimes I’m just minding my own business, not giving my writing a conscious thought when an idea pops into my mind—a really great one. Inspiration hits me like a lightning bolt. If at all possible I stop what I’m doing and write. Even […]

Writing and Publishing

How Building a Platform Almost Ruined My Writing Career

The more I focused on platform building, the less I enjoyed writing. I almost quit. A few years ago, when I was still looking for an agent, I received some unexpected feedback. The agent liked me and my writing. He thought my book had merit. But despite all that he chose not to represent me. […]