Telephone Answering Service

Is Your Answering Service Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As I talk with owners and operators in the telephone answering service industry, some have concerns and others share the excitement. I understand those who are pessimistic. After all, there is much to worry about. I also understand those who are optimistic. They see ongoing changes to the industry, as […]

Writing and Publishing

What I’ve Learned as a Commercial Freelance Writer

7 tips to succeed as a freelance writer and not go crazy in the process As I earn more of my income as a freelance writer, I’ve learned some important lessons in the process: Say “Yes”: At a former job, I’d quip to my sales staff: “The answer is always, ‘Yes, we can do that. […]

Healthcare Call Centers

How to Provide Quality Service

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Growing up, I heard a radio commercial with the tag line, “Service sold it.” Even as a young child I grasped the concept that quality service was great for business. Over the years, I have heard this mantra repeated, either verbatim or conceptually, by various companies, medical answering services included. […]

Writing and Publishing

What to Do When You Hit the Wall

When our carefully constructed world of work comes crashing down, follow these steps to reconstruct it Writers are often amazed at the amount of writing I do on a daily and weekly basis. They ask how I manage to consistently stay productive. Part of it is my stage of life, part of it is discipline, […]

Writing and Publishing

Your Turn: Tell Us About Your Website

Tell us about your website or blog and link to it As a new feature of this blog, Byline, we will end each month with a chance for you to complete the post by sharing about yourself, your writing, or your writing journey. I’ll give the topic and you provide the response. Best of all, […]

Call Center

Embrace the Call Center as a Business Strategy

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The call center has had its share of detractors over the years, from businesses that dismissed it as an unnecessary cost to consumers quick to voice their frustrations and politicians who want to fix it. (Actually most of the politicians just want to garner support from frustrated voters.) One big […]

Writing and Publishing

5 Reasons to Go to Writing Conferences

Identify why you go to writing conferences in order to realize the greatest value from them A couple of weeks ago I attended a writers conference, my second of the year. My goal is to attend two a year, but for 2016, I will make it three. While the reasons people attend writers conferences vary, […]

Writing and Publishing

We Need to Balance Formal Education with On-The-Job Training

While a college degree in writing has value, it is not a requirement for a rewarding career Last week I talked about the appropriateness of hiring others to help us with our writing journeys. This has been a reoccurring theme in my career as a writer and my vocation as a publisher. When it comes […]


Good News: Reading Is Here to Stay

As Long as There are Readers, Writers Will Have Work to Do “Reading is here to stay,” wrote Robert M. Sacks in the November/December 2012 issue of Publishing Executive magazine. His astute observation caught my attention, captivating my thoughts, both then and even more so today. Discussions and speculation about the rapid evolution in the […]

Telephone Answering Service

The Dark Side of Acquisitions

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Having bought more than a dozen answering services in my day, I understand the allure of chasing the sale, negotiating fair terms, closing the deal, and taking control of the acquisition. Yet the real value comes after the sale when the acquired accounts are optimized. Yes, you inevitably lose some, […]