Healthcare Call Centers

Should You Use an On-Site System or Internet-Delivered Solution?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD We understand a computer room full of equipment. It’s tangible. We can see it, touch it, and kick it (but don’t do that). It’s how we’ve done things for decades, since the beginning of computers and telephony switches. Contrast this to internet-delivered solutions, which go by a myriad of names, […]

Writing and Publishing

A Salute to Carrie Fisher and a Lesson for Writers

What writers can learn from the life and career of Carrie Fisher On December 26, 2016, my wife and I went to see the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The next morning I learned that Carrie Fisher had died. Like most people, I knew her for her iconic performance as Princess Leia in […]

Writing and Publishing

Was 2016 Your Best Year Ever or an Epic Fail?

We need a realistic view of our history to plan a reasonable vision for our future My wife sometimes says I view things as though my glass is only half-full, that I’m pessimistic. I counter that I’m simply being a realist, but the truth is I’m not sure who’s right. Perhaps a bit of reality […]

Telephone Answering Service

Lessons From Cars, Computers, and Software

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Since I work at home, I don’t do much driving. I sometimes wonder if I really need a car. Couple this with my preference to invest in a product and use it as long as I can. As a result, my higher-end car was nineteen years old and pushing a […]


Top Writing Posts for 2016

As we turn the calendar from 2016 to 2017, we mark the passing of another year and with it another fifty-two weeks of blog posts here at “Byline,” where we discuss growing as a writer. Here are the top posts on Byline for 2016. Thank you for stopping by this past year. You helped show […]

Call Center

Answering the Call Is Just the First Step

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I see more and more companies moving away from forced self-service to some degree of customer service. It matters not if they offer customer service by telephone, text chat, or email. What’s important is their attempt to provide support to customers and not let them flounder. This is good for […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Finish the Year Strong and Set Goals for Next Year

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the last issue of Medical Call Center News, I encouraged you to work hard so you could finish 2016 strong. I hope that was the case and you were able to complete projects and tick items off your to-do list. Though I accomplished much as the year wound down, […]

Writing and Publishing

Your Turn: What’s the Best Writing Advice You’ve Ever Received?

Sharing writing tips with other writers helps the whole writing community I spend a lot of time learning about writing. I read blogs, listen to podcasts, attend conferences, scrutinize magazines, and study books. Though I will never finish growing as a writer, I have learned so much. In fact, everything I know about writing came […]

Writing and Publishing

3 Types of Editing and Why We Need All Three

There are three types of book editing and you need a different editor for each type Every book needs three basic types of editing, and each type of edit requires a different editor. 1) Development Edit: The developmental edit, sometimes called substantive or comprehensive edit, is the big picture stuff. Basically it asks the questions, […]

Writing and Publishing

When We Should and Shouldn’t Self-Publish

Writers need to balance the considerations of self-publishing and traditional publishing There is much debate in the writing community about going with a traditional publisher versus self-publishing. Neither is a panacea. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Considerations include career objectives, time investments, speed to publishing, potential revenue, and personal goals. Though I am pursuing […]