Telephone Answering Service

Technology Versus People

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Technology is exciting—at least to me. I love technology and its application. We talk a lot about the technology we use to help our telephone answering services function more effectively and provide a greater array of services to clients. It’s hard to imagine processing calls without technology. Yet without staff, […]


Update from the Book Blog

“The Book Blog” Merges with “Byline” to Cover the Art of Writing and the Business of Publishing All key posts from The Book Blog have been successfully integrated into my writing blog, Byline. The scope of Byline has been appropriately expanded to now cover “the art of writing and the business of book publishing.” New […]

Writing and Publishing

How Do You Find Time to Write?

Writers struggle to find time to write, but the solution is simple I commonly hear writers complain that they don’t have time to write. Some say “no time” and others say “not enough time.” Time, it seems, stands as the enemy of writing. Yet the fact remains that everyone has twenty-four hours in their day. […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Uncertainty is the Only Thing That’s Certain in Healthcare

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I don’t like to write about politics, but politics is once again affecting the future of healthcare. With all the bluster about repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), I was quite sure, that by now, we would have a new direction in place to chart our industry’s […]

Writing and Publishing

UR Turn: Do You Use Pinterest as Part of Your Author Platform?

Pinterest is a quick way to share images and connect with like-minded people So far we’ve talked about Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn as possible social media platforms for authors. What about Pinterest? Of the four of them, I’ve done the least amount of work with Pinterest. Maybe that’s because I’m a guy and most Pinterest […]

Call Center

A Failure to Serve

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I often share customer service successes and failures in this column. Though my rants have a cathartic outcome for me, I hope even more that they offer insight to you and your call centers. Here’s my latest installment. A year ago I finally had had enough with my Web hosting […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing a Novel is Like Running a Marathon

Before writing a book we need to train I dislike the phrase aspiring writer. Either we aspire to write or we actually do it. Being an aspiring writer is no more than hoping for a future outcome, one that will never happen because the aspiring writer spends all his or her time dreaming and no […]

Telephone Answering Service

Does Your Answering Service Use Social Media?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Presently we have 135 answering services listed. Of those 68 of them, just over half, have social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Based on this, I make the following observations. Half Not Social First, half of the answering services do not have a social media presence. Though social […]

Writing and Publishing

What’s the Difference Between Self-Publishing and Indie-Publishing?

Publishing labels are important and using them properly is critical I often use the terms of self-publishing and indie-publishing interchangeably. I shouldn’t. They mean different things. So what’s the difference? That’s a great question. I turned to my friend Google to investigate. It turns out Google doesn’t know. It simply confirmed a lack of consensus. […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Healthcare Uncertainty and Optimism

Whatever the future throws at us, the healthcare contact center industry will respond with excellence By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The healthcare industry in the United States exists in uncertain times. What does the future hold? I don’t pretend to know the answer, but what I do know is that healthcare contact centers are the […]