Writing and Publishing

What Type of Book Will Yours Be?

A couple of years ago, I wrote about “Six Types of Books in My Library.” In summary, this is how I view my books on my bookshelves: Running out of space and wanting to downsize, I gave away all my books in the last three categories. Some of those books will be read, many will […]


False Assumptions

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD When people ask what I do for a living, I reply that “I publish magazines and websites for the call center industry.” Their responses are varied, as well as interesting. For some people, their eyes immediately glaze over, and they change the subject. Others key in on the word “publish,” […]

Writing and Publishing

How Do You Get an ISBN For Your Book?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It’s a globally accepted standard for identifying books. Your book needs an ISBN if it is to be viable: most retailers require it, and it helps people find your book. Probably the only reason not to have an ISBN is if you aren’t going to sell your book […]

Telephone Answering Service

How Often Do You Thank Your Answering Service Staff?

This Thanksgiving Seek Effective Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Front-Line Employees By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Thanksgiving will soon be here. For many people that means a four-day weekend. There may be a grand feast with family, watching a parade or football game, and perhaps a nap. Then there’s Christmas shopping on Friday—or Thursday […]

Writing and Publishing

Balancing the Pure Artist with the Entrepreneur: Why Book Publishing Requires Both

Last week I shared that the three parts of publishing a book we’re writing it, producing it, and marketing it. Each of these aspects has a creative element and a business element. Balance the pure artist and the pure entrepreneur in a respectable tension. The pure artist says, “Let me create without interference. I don’t […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Will You Help Us Get the Word Out About Medical Call Center News?

Please Tell Your Team, Coworkers, and Colleagues About Medical Call Center News By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Medical Call Center News has a loyal group of subscribers. You appreciate our content and read almost every issue. But our subscriber list also changes a bit from one issue to the next, with a 2.3 percent churn […]

Writing and Publishing

The Three Parts of Book Publishing

This blog focuses on writing and book publishing. There are three aspects of publishing a book. They are: 1. Write the Book First, we need content, not just good content, but really great content. We write the best we possibly can, and then we seek help from others to make it better: critique groups, beta […]

Call Center

Are You a Call Center or a Contact Center?

Consider the implications of the call center versus contact center debate By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In Connections Magazine we use the terms call center and contact center interchangeably. Some authors who write for us are content to use the more traditional label of call center, while others prefer the more accurate label of contact […]

Writing and Publishing

What Are Some of Your Editing Pet Peeves?

Things Writers Do That Irk Me Here are my editing pet peeves: I’m more than willing to overlook a few of these mistakes and be extra tolerant of new writers, but when these things occur too often, it’s often easier to just reject the submission. I hope this helps. Whew, I feel better having gotten […]

Writing and Publishing

Lessons From a Published Author

It’s Never a Sure Thing A couple of years ago I blogged about a young adult (YA) book from a published author that I really, really, really liked—and the author honored me by leaving a comment to my post. Since then we’ve shared a few online interactions, with her offering careful communication and me trying […]