Telephone Answering Service

Does Your TAS Have a Great Website?

Regardless of How You Market Your Answering Service, a Killer Website is Key By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD There are many ways to market your answering service, limited only by your creativity and budget. Regardless of which strategy you use, you need a website. Even if you claim you’re not accepting any new clients—and I […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Is It Time to Start a Medical Answering Service?

Begin Your Investigation with a Little Research By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. When I worked as a call center consultant (before moving full-time into publishing and writing) I advised hospital communication centers, healthcare call centers, and medical answering services. One hospital asked me to investigate the feasibility of them starting a medical answering service. Their […]

Writing and Publishing

Just Because You Can Self-Publish a Book Doesn’t Mean You Should

As the price barrier to book publishing lowers, too many books show up with too little quality I once read a self-published book by a “NY Times Best-Selling Author.” I’ll let him remain anonymous. It was a short story anthology of “the best” short stories in a certain genre. I expected much and received little. […]

Writing and Publishing

Putting Blog Content in a Book

Can You Book Your Blog? If a blog has a specific focus, could you compile this information in a book and sell it? But some people say you shouldn’t sell anything you’ve offered free. They think you won’t be able to sell something you once gave away (and may still be giving away) on your […]

Call Center

Is Your Call Center Ready for Anything?

How to Survive When Receiving Twice the Calls or Having Half the Staff or Both By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Running a call center is hard, at least doing it right. Even under normal conditions, managers struggle to balance traffic and staffing levels while maintaining high quality and minimizing complaints. But what happens when conditions […]

Writing and Publishing

Should You Be a Writer or an Entrepreneur?

Authors are advised to treat their writing like a business If you write solely for the fun of it or treat writing as a mere hobby, then don’t read this post. Seriously, it will just make you mad. But if you want to succeed as a writer, regardless of how you define success, then this […]


The Power of a Compliment

Telling Others That You Appreciate Them Can Make a Huge Difference By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In the years between high school graduation and my first real job, I took on a variety of part-time work while being a full-time student. During one such vocational transition, the placement advisor at school knew of an immediate […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Believe in Print?

Despite Interest in Audio and E-books, Don’t Write Off Print As writers, our books can appear in three primary formats: printed books, e-books, and audiobooks. Audio Books Audiobooks have enjoyed a resurgence of late. Gone are the days of books on tape. Now it is digital files that readers listen to from their smartphones. This […]

Telephone Answering Service

How to Start a Telephone Answering Service

Key Information Provided as a Service to the Industry By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD When I consulted for the answering service and call center industries, people kept contacting me who wanted to start a telephone answering service. I didn’t feel right taking their money and tried to talk them out of it. After all, who […]

Writing and Publishing

A Book Need Not Be Perfect to Succeed

A few years ago, I finished a novel I was reading, the first in a series. The first chapter grabbed me, but by the second or third, some of the scenes began to irritate. They were unrealistic at portraying real-life situations. Likewise, some of the dialogue didn’t work too well for me either. It was […]