Writing and Publishing

Scale Up to Writing a Novel

To write a novel, first, start with short stories. Many of the elements required for short stories carry over to longer works. In addition, it’s better to experiment on a 1,000-word short story than an 80,000-word novel. Once you’re comfortable with short stories then you can move on to longer works. Short Story Tips Writing […]

Healthcare Call Centers

What Kind of Healthcare Coverage Do You Provide to Your Staff?

Take Steps to Meet the Healthcare Needs of Your Healthcare Call Center Staff By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I enjoy going to the zoo with family. We go several times each year. A special bonus are those opportunities to interact with the zookeepers and learn more about the animals under their care. During a recent […]

Writing and Publishing

Beta Reader Questions That Writers Should Ask

When working with beta readers, it’s important to set expectations with them or the feedback you get may not be helpful. To guide this effort, ask the same beta reader questions of each person. Three Key Beta Reader Questions 1. What parts did you like? Your first question will let you know what parts not […]


It’s Your Move: Life Lessons From the Game of Chess

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD My cousins taught me how to play chess when I was in third grade. My parents, doubting I could grasp the complexities of the game, urged caution and tried to lower my expectations. Yet I forged ahead. My oldest cousin patiently taught me the names of the pieces and how […]

Writing and Publishing

Tips on Finding an Agent to Represent You

Finding an agent is easy. Just do an online search for “literary agents.” However, getting an agent to agree to represent you is hard, very hard. Unlike hiring an accountant or attorney to represent us where we can vet them and pick the best one to meet our needs, agents vet their clients so they […]

Telephone Answering Service

How to Handle Pricing on Your Answering Service Website 

Sometimes Posting Too Much Information Can Work Against Us By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Over the years I’ve looked at hundreds of telephone answering service websites. A few are great, many are good, and some need improvement. A common page for many answering service sites covers pricing. There are different ways to handle rate information, […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Protect Blog Content

A lot of writers wonder if it’s necessary or wise to protect blog content that they post online. What if it is material for other writing projects? Should it be freely accessible online? First, I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. A great resource is Helen Sedwick’s book Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook. […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Improve Your Call Center by Providing Ongoing Skills Training

Improve Your Call Center by Providing Ongoing Skills Training By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. This year we’ll embark on a series of articles about how to move your healthcare call center forward to better meet the needs and expectations of your callers and patients. We’ll start by talking about providing your frontline staff with ongoing […]

Writing and Publishing

The Benefits of Using ISBNs: Don’t Publish Your Book Without One

Many successful indie authors do not use ISBNs (for their e-books), and they see no reason why they should. The number Amazon provides works just fine from a practical standpoint. Having said that, an ISBN gives your book added credibility and has more universal recognition than an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) when searching for […]

Call Center

The Power of Print

Printed Words Offer Many Benefits over Their Electronic Counterparts By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In addition to writing a lot, I also read a lot. I read both print and e-book formats. I have a Kindle loaded with content, and I also read on my phone. At one point, I read mostly e-books, but over […]