Telephone Answering Service

Match AI Technology with Answering Service Strategy

Embrace Artificial Intelligence to Help You Meet Your Goals More Effectively By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Many people worry about how artificial intelligence (AI) might impact our world, including their telephone answering service (TAS) business. They fear AI will emerge as a disruptive force that fundamentally changes their day-to-day operations. It probably will. But there’s […]

Writing and Publishing

Do-It-Yourself Marketing

After several years of unsuccessfully hiring book marketing experts, I realized I had two choices. The first was to not do any book promotion. The other was to do it myself. With great reticence, I decided to do it myself. I did this knowing it would detract from my writing and reduce my output. I […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Finish This Year Strong

How We Conclude One Year Prepares Us for the Next By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD How has this year been in your healthcare call center? I suspect you’re ready for it to end. Though you may feel that way every year, the magnitude may be more pronounced this year. All the rapid changes and stressors […]

Writing and Publishing

Hiring Marketing Experts

Hiring someone to market our books seems like a logical decision. After all, we hire professionals to edit our books and design our covers, so why not book marketing too? This is exactly what I thought and precisely what I did. Over the years I’ve hired a book launch expert, a publicist, a book marketing […]

Call Center

Don’t Forget the Human Touch

Technology May Save Money but Human Agents Make the Difference By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We’ve been hearing a lot about artificial intelligence (AI), and we’re going to hear a lot more about it. Some claim AI is the future of the call center industry, saving money and retaining business. Others fear it’s the end […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Is Your Call Center Centralized?

A Decentralized Call Center Is an Oxymoron By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In the early days of our industry, the label call center fit perfectly. We handled calls from a central location. This was necessitated by the platform we used, which we installed in our office. It consisted of physical hardware to switch calls and […]

Writing and Publishing

Using a Book Advance for Marketing

Some publishers strongly suggested that authors use their advance for marketing their book. Though this sounds reasonable, my advice is not to do it unless you have a long-term reason for it. First, let’s talk about advances. An advance for a book was originally intended as money for the author to live on as they […]

Telephone Answering Service

The Allure of a Hosted System

Now May Be the Time to Say Goodbye to Your Premise-Based System and Move into the Future By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Hosted telephone answering service systems have been around for a long time. Though many operations have praised the benefits of using a hosted system and switched to them, other services have been resistant […]

Healthcare Call Centers

6 Keys to Produce a Happy and Effective Workforce

Address These Critical Items to Better Retain Staff and Serve Callers By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Operating a successful call center in the healthcare industry is hard. There is a never-ending tension to balance the expectations of patients and callers with the needs of operational staff, all the while remaining fiscally viable. Here are six […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

When most people think about using artificial intelligence to write, their mind goes to people who may abuse the technology. Yes, some people will use AI to churn out sub-par books. But don’t worry about them. Instead, look to how you use AI. View AI as a tool to help you write better, just like […]