Healthcare Call Centers

The Importance of Agent Training and Development

Invest in Your Call Center Staff to Best Serve Your Patients By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Call center agents are often the first contact someone has with your organization. If they conduct themselves well, this establishes a positive first step for a long-term successful relationship. But if they fall short, it may be your last […]

Telephone Answering Service

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Running a Telephone Answering Service

Don’t Let the Day-to-Day Pressures of Running Your TAS Push Aside What Matters More By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Running a telephone answering service is a challenging proposition. It seems there’s always too much to do and not enough time to do it. Therefore, it’s understandable when the day ends before you complete your to-do-list. […]

Call Center

5 Tips to Create a Positive Call Center Work Environment

Care for Your Staff and They’re More Likely to Care for You and Your Callers Staffing a call center is hard. Keeping it staffed is getting harder. With finding new staff becoming increasingly challenging, retaining existing staff is even more critical. Here are five tips to create a positive call center work environment and boost […]

Call Center

5 Tips for Agent Customer Service Success

Master the Art of Effective Call Center Communication By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Some people think working in a call center is easy because they like to talk. But that doesn’t guarantee agent customer service success. Instead, successful agents need to work at it. Yes, this is easier for some than others, but no one […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Integrate Call Center Staff

Pursue Agent Cross Training to Produce Better Outcomes and Improve Efficacy By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In my post “Integrate Your Call Center” I discussed various integration strategies to pursue. Now I’ll dive into each one of them with more intentionality. First up is to integrate call center staff. The key requirement to staffing integration […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Cross Channel Training

Consider the Optimum Strategy for Your Contact Center Staff By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. At one time call centers handled calls and nothing else. They had one channel. That was it. Now most call centers handle more than just telephone calls. They’ve become multichannel. Contact center is a better name for them. Along with phone […]

Call Center

How Long Should a Call Take?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD My wife and I recently moved. There were the typical myriad of details to attend to, including arranging for utilities. I had three calls to make: one for natural gas, one for electricity, and one for water. I called the electric company first, as I assumed this would be the […]

Call Center

“One Moment Please, While I Disconnect Your Call”

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The success rate of agents transferring calls is not good. In fact, based on my experience, successful call transfers actually occur less than half the time. The most common result is being disconnected. When a disconnected caller calls back, the happy caller has likely become irritated, the irritated caller has become […]

Call Center

Call Scripting the Caller Experience

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD At one time all call centers used a free-form philosophy of recording caller provided information and communication, be it an order, a message, or an information submission. Free-form documentation is analogous to a paper phone message pad, with the agent filling in whatever blanks deemed appropriate, in any order preferred. […]

Call Center

A Perfect Answer

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD How often have you called someplace and wondered if you reached the right number? All too often, calls are answered hurriedly, haphazardly, or incompletely. Or perhaps the agent seems out of breath by the time they complete a lengthy, tongue-twisting answer. It is vital that all calls be consistently answered […]