
Peter Lyle DeHaan Releases Healthcare Call Center Book

Peter Lyle DeHaan, founder and publisher of AnswerStat, announced the publication of his latest book, Healthcare Call Center Essentials, on June 6, 2022. “In a very real sense, this book has been two decades in the making,” said DeHaan, “It started when I launched AnswerStat magazine in 2003. I’ve taken what I’ve learned about medical contact centers since then […]

Writing and Publishing

Keep Up on Evolving Writing Conventions

Do you want to stay current with other changes in writing conventions? I wish there was a site, a book, an app, or a publication that would answer these questions. But if there’s a one-stop resource, I don’t know of it. Besides, there would likely be disagreement over it, anyway. Here’s how I work to […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Channel Specialization versus Multichannel Proficiency

Effectively Handle Communication Channels in a Medical Contact Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the last issue of AnswerStat we looked at the need for multichannel integration in your healthcare contact center to better serve patients and produce superior outcomes. We considered this from a systems standpoint. Now let’s look at multichannel from an […]

Writing and Publishing

Before You Write a Novel, Start With Something Shorter

Write short stories to master the art of fiction writing May is short story month. I share this news in advance so you can consider how you want to celebrate. You might want to spend the month reading short stories or perhaps focus on writing a few. But regardless, give short stories some consideration in […]

Writing and Publishing

How Much Does It Cost to Indie Publish a Book?

The price to indie publish a book varies greatly. The answer depends on your skills, budget, and book-length. I’ve heard people explain how you can publish a book for under one hundred dollars. While their advice is accurate, the results won’t produce a professional-looking book that will get people’s attention and earn good reviews. I […]

Writing and Publishing

Login Fatigue

Do you suffer from “login fatigue?” I know I do. Login fatigue is that overwhelmed feeling produced by having too many computer login names, passwords, and codes to keep track of. (A Google search for “login fatigue” resulted in 75,400,000 entries, more than a hundred times higher then when I last checked. I am sure […]

Call Center

Embrace SaaS Flexibility

Tap Internet Provided Services to Maximize Outcomes By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. SaaS (Software as a Service) is a subscription service that provides software solutions from a centrally located host. It also goes by other names, with some vendors making distinctions between various offerings. For our purposes, however, we’ll look at the concept generically. SaaS […]

Writing and Publishing

Contest Conundrum

I have paid to enter some contests. It’s okay when you win, but it’s a double hit when you don’t. Contest Fees I’ve paid from $1 to $20 to enter contests, and each time they gave a compelling reason why I needed to compensate them to consider my work. And each time I’ve felt duped […]

Writing and Publishing

Avoid Big Word Syndrome

Selecting the right word is important for writers. In fact, aside from using the correct punctuation to frame those words, it is the only thing. This may seem shocking but at the most basic level, all we do as writers are figure out what word comes next. Then we insert punctuation for clarity. The words […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Tips to Deal with Angry Callers

Prepare How to Best Handle Abusive Callers By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD People today, it seems, are more demanding and less tolerant than they once were. They want immediate answers and have little patience to wait. This unfortunate trend may be even more pronounced when speaking to someone over the telephone. This is the reality […]