Writing and Publishing

Going Forward

Regular readers of this blog (thank you, one and all) have noticed a decided decrease in posting frequency over the past six months. While Musings will remain alive and active, infrequency will become the new norm. When I started Musings over three years ago, it was to provide a creative outlet, connect with others via […]

Telephone Answering Service

Scam Alert: Buyer Beware

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The telephone answering service industry is a wonderful and close-knit community. Tales abound of one service going the extra mile to help another – even direct competitors providing aid in times of crisis. With that as the general tenor of the industry, it is surprising and hurtful when a scam […]


The Waste of Excessive Packaging

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I upgraded some software and paid an extra ten bucks for the installation CD. This makes restoration much easier when it becomes necessary. But for instant gratification, I downloaded the software so that I could begin using it immediately, while waiting for the disk to arrive. (It took 29 days, […]


Your Call Center on Autopilot

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I remember calling Visa with a query about my statement. The knowledgeable rep professionally answered my question. After an effective and otherwise satisfying call, he concluded by saying, “Thank you for calling American Express.” I was taken aback, but opted to say nothing. Either he was oblivious to what he […]

Writing and Publishing

What are Your Goals as a Writer?

Writing, as with most worthwhile things in life, benefits from a bit of occasional introspection. Succinctly queried, what are your goals as a writer? After all, without goals, how will you prod yourself to write and by what measure will your evaluate progress? Here are some common motivations of writers: With the exception of the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

High Unemployment Results in a “Buyer’s Market”

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. With the unemployment rate remaining high, call centers find themselves in a “buyer’s market” when it comes to hiring agents and support staff. There are plenty of people looking for work, which results in more applicants to pick from for each opening. High unemployment also serves to limit the mobility […]


Peter DeHaan Publishing Named a Constant Contact 2010 All-Star

Peter DeHaan Publishing Recognized for Stellar Email Marketing Practices Peter DeHaan Publishing Inc received the 2010 All Star Award from Constant Contact® Inc, the trusted marketing advisor to more than 400,000 small organizations worldwide. Peter DeHaan Publishing Inc is one of Constant Contact’s 2010 top performers and most prolific user of its email marketing product. […]


Channel Inconsistency

Frustration Abounds When Details Differ Between the Store, Online, and Call Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Every two years my family and I upgrade our cell phones. This isn’t because we want the newest model. It’s because we seek the lowest cost. Since each provider offers better deals to new customers than existing ones, […]

Telephone Answering Service

Become an “EAS” – an Email Answering Service

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In my December column in Connections Magazine, I said, “Everything you currently do with phone calls, you need to apply to email. Answer email, screen email, route email, add value to email, prioritize email, and escalate email.” I’d like to delve into that a bit more, specifically as it relates […]

Call Center

Looking Back to See Ahead

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As we make the transition from one year to the next, we typically take time to reflect and project – that is, to look at the past and anticipate the future. To make this time of examination and analysis even more momentous, we are also migrating from one decade to […]