Writing and Publishing

Why Work Is Cyclical

In theory, my workload should proceed as a steady flow of predictable effort year round. In reality, it doesn’t happen that way. It takes five weeks from start to finish to produce one issue of one magazine, and Connections Magazine is published six times a year. Medical Call Center News and Answer Stat releases every other […]

Writing and Publishing

So, You Found My Website, Which One?

Many people were amazed and impressed that my web address matches my name: It is my main author website. I’ve had it for almost twenty years. When I registered it in 2000, it was not hard to procure a domain name matching one’s given name. (At the time, was also available, and I […]

Call Center

September 2001

September 2001 I entered the publishing world when I bought Connections Magazine from its founder, Steve Michaels. As a result, I don’t know what day the sale was official, but what I do know is that the package of publication’s records and files arrived on September 10, 2001. Early that next day, I dove into […]

Writing and Publishing

That’s a Lot of Blogging

I’ve been officially blogging now for 10 years. During that time, I have made over 500 posts in this blog. Although I enjoy blogging, finding the ideal time to write has not been easy. Initially, I wrote in the evening, after my workday was done. This kept blogging from encroaching on vocation, but was also […]

Writing and Publishing

Going Forward

Regular readers of this blog (thank you, one and all) have noticed a decided decrease in posting frequency over the past six months. While Musings will remain alive and active, infrequency will become the new norm. When I started Musings over three years ago, it was to provide a creative outlet, connect with others via […]

Writing and Publishing

More News Than You Can Use

As a publisher, I receive all manner of press releases. Some are appropriately targeted and end up in one of my magazines, newsfeeds, or newsletters. Others are close, but slightly miss our focus, while many are seemingly sent to me without forethought or strategy. Here are the headlines that I have received in the past […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Call Centers Can Aid in Healthcare Reform

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I’ve spent most of my adult life in call center related vocations. I’ve worked in call centers and for a call center vendor, did consulting for call centers, audited call centers, wrote about call centers, and publish magazines, newsletters, and websites about call centers. Call centers are a vital part […]

Writing and Publishing

Magazine Goes Green – Sort of

A weekly (or almost weekly) magazine that I receive, recently announced that it was going to have four “green” issues this year, with the goal of being “carbon neutral” in 10 years. I was curious how they would handle this “green” issue.  o their credit, they emailed me when it was ready and I went […]

Call Center

Happy New Year!

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD We, at Connections Magazine, wish you a safe, healthy, and prosperous 2009. Thank you for all your support, encouragement, and appreciation in 2008. We will work to keep that momentum going, continuing to serve you as we roll into 2009. Have a Happy New Year!

Call Center

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Given the uncertainty of these times, it is easy to be pessimistic. Therefore, it is good that Thanksgiving Day comes around to provide us with the opportunity to reflect on all the numerous good things we have to be thankful for—things that many […]