Writing and Publishing

Book Review: The Shy Writer

The Shy Writer: An Introvert’s Guide to Writing Success By C. Hope Clark (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Many writers are shy. C. Hope Clark understands this too well. At best, the effect of shyness serves as a roadblock for writers. At worst, it’s enough to cause some to cease writing altogether; the cost of confronting […]

Writing and Publishing

The Power of Saying No

I have a tendency to be a people pleaser. I like to help others, and I especially enjoy doing things for writers: to encourage them, support them, provide feedback, buy their book, and read their writing. Helping other writers is why I have my blog and a newsletter about writing and publishing. Both my blog […]

Writing and Publishing

Dealing with Critics and Reviews

Last week we talked about how to maximize the value of a critique, with the goal of carefully considering each person’s opinion. This, however, does not apply to critics and reviews. Critics usually do not have the author’s best interest in mind, but instead their own. They write to call attention to themselves, their writing, […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: Are You There Blog?

Are You There Blog? It’s Me, Writer By Kristen Lamb (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Are You There Blog? It’s Me, Writer is the result of Kristen Lamb’s journey down the blogging path, from a struggling novice to successful blogger – with the following to prove it. And she specifically focuses on writers. Kristen avows that […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media By Kristen Lamb (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media, Kristen Lamb shares from her own experience how writers can master social media, using it to build their platform. While much has been written about social media, this […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: The Making of a Christian Bestseller

An Insider’s Guide to Christian Publishing By Ann Byle (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) The Making of a Christian Bestseller: An Insider’s Guide to Christian Publishing is a valuable handbook of practical advice for writers in the Christian book market. Additionally, most of the insights are equally applicable to the general book market as well. The Making […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: V is for Vulnerable

By Seth Godin and illustrated by Hugh MacLeod (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Self-proclaimed as “an ABC for grownups,” Seth Godin’s book V is for Vulnerable may look like a kids picture book, but it’s really a creative package to encourage adults “to see the world differently.” In it, Godin shares simple truths to help readers […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: How Do I Decide? Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

How Do I Decide? Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing (A Field Guide for Authors) By Rachelle Gardner (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In How Do I Decide? Rachelle Gardner gives an unbiased explanation of the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing. She starts with a brief review of how publishing has changed in the past […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: Every Writer Needs a Tribe

Every Writer Needs a Tribe: A Practical Guide to Finding (and Writing For) Your Audience By Jeff Goins (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Every Writer Needs a Tribe is essential to book for all writers who desire others to read their work. Merely writing a great book is not enough. A writer needs a platform, an […]

Writing and Publishing

Book Review: Unleash the Writer Within

Unleash the Writer Within The Essential Writers’ Companion By Cecil Murphey (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Unleash the Writer Within is an introspective exposé of what it takes to be an effective writer. This book is not about the technical side of writing but instead the psychological aspects behind being a writer. Penned by prolific and […]