Here are the actions I pursue to improve as a writer: These tips helped my writing improve. May they do the same for you.
Author: Peter Lyle DeHaan
Author Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, publishes books about business, customer service, the call center industry, and business and writing.
Admit Your Service Faults Instead of Blaming the Pandemic By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Different countries around the world and various areas within have had differing responses to the covid pandemic. For some it is but a memory—albeit a painful one. Others, however, are only now beginning to emerge from its grip, with its influence […]
There are several blogs I follow; I read them whenever I can. Sometimes I just read, and other times I read and comment. Only a small percent of blog readers take time to comment. The reasons are many: too busy, a lack of confidence, not knowing what to say, fear, and so forth. There are, […]
Readers who purchase many books each year evenly divide on print versus digital In 2012, Book Business magazine, reporting on a Verso Advertising study, noted that 49.7 percent of avid readers refuse to go paperless. They define avid book readers as those who purchase more than ten books per year. Notice they use the word […]
Examine the Benefits and Disadvantages of Video Calling By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD For years, some call center managers have looked forward to having video capability in their call centers. Others weren’t so open to video calls. And most agents have opposed it as well. Yet the past few years have prepared us, even conditioned […]
The social media site Twitter is becoming the go-to platform for many I’m on several social media sites, but the one that I use the most and am the least confused by is Twitter. I’ve grown a following, tweet and retweet regularly, and engage a bit with my followers. Twitter is the one social media […]
Tips to Finding Qualified Staff for Your Telephone Answering Service By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Finding qualified staff for telephone answering services has always been challenging, but it may be more of a struggle now than ever before. Interestingly, we can gain insights from the food services industry. Before you dismiss the idea, consider that […]
Some people say that if you’re blogging as a hobby, is okay, but if you consider yourself a professional you need to go with (the self-hosted version). Is it possible to do a professional website with Though I’ve seen some successful authors use a powered website, it always surprises me. Yes, […]
The Shy Writer: An Introvert’s Guide to Writing Success By C. Hope Clark (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Many writers are shy. C. Hope Clark understands this too well. At best, the effect of shyness serves as a roadblock for writers. At worst, it’s enough to cause some to cease writing altogether; the cost of confronting […]
Book publishing is more than just writing and producing books; it is also about selling them. Selling books requires a host of skills, including marketing, promotion, and public relations. Yes, public relations—PR for short. At its most basic level, public relations is managing the flow of information from an entity (a company, organization, or an […]