Telephone Answering Service

Dealing with Answering Service Technology

Technology Tools Can Be Our Friend By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Most all telephone answering services (TAS) use a lot of technology to supplement the work of their agents. Yet technological advances aren’t always readily embraced. Yes, a few visionaries will grasp the application and move forward right away. The other extreme is those who […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Measuring Success in Healthcare Contact Centers

Top Metrics for Evaluating Performance and Efficacy By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Call centers have been around for decades, and the industry has an established set of proven metrics to measure overall performance and outcomes. Let’s take a moment to review some of these top call center metrics to use in measuring success. Then consider […]

Writing and Publishing

My Story of Becoming a Writer

I remember it well. Alone, I sit in my home office. I should be working. I’m not. I’m distracted. In my windowless basement room, I swing the door shut and dim the lights. I know what I must do, but I don’t want to. I’ve been writing and publishing for years, but I’ve never owned […]

Call Center

5 Tips for Agent Customer Service Success

Master the Art of Effective Call Center Communication By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Some people think working in a call center is easy because they like to talk. But that doesn’t guarantee agent customer service success. Instead, successful agents need to work at it. Yes, this is easier for some than others, but no one […]


New Book: Sticky Leadership and Management

Lead with Integrity and Manage with Confidence Transform your leadership. Transform your business.  It’s time to step up and become the kind of leader your business needs … the kind of leader you were destined to become. In Sticky Leadership and Management, Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD breaks down what it means to lead with integrity, […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Does Your Medical Call Center Need a New Name?

Consider an Internal Rebranding as a Strategic Initiative This Year By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Functionally you may label your operation as a medical call center, a healthcare contact center, or a medical answering service. This identifier may or may not be included in the name of your operation. Regardless, it might be time to […]

Telephone Answering Service

Match AI Technology with Answering Service Strategy

Embrace Artificial Intelligence to Help You Meet Your Goals More Effectively By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Many people worry about how artificial intelligence (AI) might impact our world, including their telephone answering service (TAS) business. They fear AI will emerge as a disruptive force that fundamentally changes their day-to-day operations. It probably will. But there’s […]

Writing and Publishing

Do-It-Yourself Marketing

After several years of unsuccessfully hiring book marketing experts, I realized I had two choices. The first was to not do any book promotion. The other was to do it myself. With great reticence, I decided to do it myself. I did this knowing it would detract from my writing and reduce my output. I […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Finish This Year Strong

How We Conclude One Year Prepares Us for the Next By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD How has this year been in your healthcare call center? I suspect you’re ready for it to end. Though you may feel that way every year, the magnitude may be more pronounced this year. All the rapid changes and stressors […]

Writing and Publishing

Hiring Marketing Experts

Hiring someone to market our books seems like a logical decision. After all, we hire professionals to edit our books and design our covers, so why not book marketing too? This is exactly what I thought and precisely what I did. Over the years I’ve hired a book launch expert, a publicist, a book marketing […]