Writing and Publishing

Why Printed Books Are Still Relevant

Though e-books receive all of the hype, printed books are still important, for both readers and authors People like to talk about what is new, what is exciting, and what is fresh. That’s why the book publishing industry has so much buzz about reading digital books and listening to audiobooks. I’m not going to dismiss […]


Master’s Thesis: The Telephone Answering Service Industry

Preparing for the Future WARNING: this book is a master’s thesis (1998) and contains academic research. It’s made available primarily to aid others who are conducting their own industry research. If this is what you seek, here’s an overview:  The telephone answering service industry is facing uncertainty due to misconceptions, rising costs, and company closures. […]

Writing and Publishing

Half of Avid Book Readers Prefer Print

Readers who purchase many books each year evenly divide on print versus digital In 2012, Book Business magazine, reporting on a Verso Advertising study, noted that 49.7 percent of avid readers refuse to go paperless. They define avid book readers as those who purchase more than ten books per year. Notice they use the word […]

Writing and Publishing

3 Types of Self-Publishing

Explore the 3 Types of Self-Publishing: Print, E-books, & Audio Self-publishing once vilified as an exercise in vanity, is now accepted as a viable option by most everyone—except perhaps those who earn a living in traditional publishing. Consider the three self-publishing options. Three Self-Publishing Options There are three segments to self-publishing: e-publishing (for Kindle and […]

Writing and Publishing

Why I’m Bullish about Printed Books

The future for print books is strong and ripe with opportunity Michael Weinstein, in his “Publishing Panorama” blog at, posted this headline: “Report from the Publishing Business Conference: This Just In Sky Not Falling!” This was four years ago. I think his conclusions about printed books are even truer today. Citing many credible and […]

Writing and Publishing

Long-Lasting Books: How Long Will Your Writing Last?

Will Your Writing be Around in One Hundred Years? Four years ago, my mom found an old book in her basement. My great grandfather’s name was written on the inside cover, along with his address in Chicago. The book was published in 1914. Yes, that’s right, 1914—over one hundred years ago. That’s a long-lasting book. […]

Writing and Publishing

A Salute to Print Books

On The Media discusses books in their March 11 podcast The March 11 episode of On The Media, titled “Print is Back, Back Again” shares an array of interesting segments on books. It’s too good not to share. Here are the topics covered: These segments give those who read books and write books and publish […]

Writing and Publishing

Long Live the Printed Word

For all the hype about e-books and e-readers, along with news coverage about brick-and-mortar bookstores closing, it may come as a surprise that more printed books are still being consumed than e-books. Though a tipping point may soon come, the printed word still reigns. Despite this trend towards digital, there will always be a place […]