Can You Book Your Blog? If a blog has a specific focus, could you compile this information in a book and sell it? But some people say you shouldn’t sell anything you’ve offered free. They think you won’t be able to sell something you once gave away (and may still be giving away) on your […]
Tag: book publishing
Do You Believe in Print?

Despite Interest in Audio and E-books, Don’t Write Off Print As writers, our books can appear in three primary formats: printed books, e-books, and audiobooks. Audio Books Audiobooks have enjoyed a resurgence of late. Gone are the days of books on tape. Now it is digital files that readers listen to from their smartphones. This […]

When pitching my book at a writers conference, one industry person said my length was perfect, while another wanted it 20,000 words long, and a third said it should have at least 25,000 more words. That’s a huge difference. Finding the Ideal Book Length There is no universal answer to the ideal book-length, but there […]

Have you ever flipped through a book and sensed there was something odd about it? Though you couldn’t identify what was different, you knew something was off. It felt wrong. This has happened to me. Perhaps the feeling was so strong that you opted not to read the book. Again, this has happened to me. […]

Consider all the really great books that don’t sell. Consider some of the poorly written books that do. Although this is unfair, it is also a reality. Fortuitous timing aside, these two situations point out the fact that producing and selling books is part art and part business. I’ve been in business much of my […]

Some authors start writing their book, focus on it until completion, work to publish it, and then promote it. Then they start their next book—assuming they have an idea for one. They have one book in their book pipeline. Other authors are working on so many books that it’s hard to accomplish anything. I fall […]

I’ve never met an author who likes to write book proposals, yet if we hope to sign with a traditional publisher, we need a book proposal—a really good book proposal. Aside from being tedious and time-consuming, parts of a book proposal are challenging, such as researching competitive titles, selling ourselves as the ideal person to […]

When book readers consider our book, few will bother to look to see who published it. They won’t care if a major publisher, let alone any traditional publisher, produced it. When it comes to publishers, there is little brand loyalty, let alone much brand recognition. The imprint is of no consequence. How the printed book […]

This blog focuses on writing and book publishing. There are three aspects of publishing a book. They are: 1. Write the Book First, we need content, not just good content, but really great content. We write the best we possibly can, and then we seek help from others to make it better: critique groups, beta […]
I’ve heard many credible sources advise not to include prologues in our books. Yet, writers continue to write them, and publishers continue to publish them. Does that mean we can safely disregard this advice? I think not. Here’s why: I understand most readers skip prologues. That’s telling. Even more, I’ve read e-books that opened to […]