By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Take part in our Facebook photo contest to promote your TAS – and possibly see your photo featured in a future issue of TAS Trader. Here’s how: If you don’t have a photo to submit, you can play still along by voting (like and/or comment) for your favorites. Vote early […]
Should You Use an Outline?
Should you use an outline when you write? The answer is maybe. If an outline helps you organize your thoughts, gives your piece structure, or streamlines the writing process, then use it. However, if an outline constrains your creativity, presents a roadblock to starting, or slows you down, then don’t use one. Sometimes I use […]
Although the labels vary, writers have three levels of supporters: Friends, fans, and influencers. Friends like us and follow us, be it online or in the real world; they may read our books. Fans adore us and our writing; they will read everything we produce. Influencers may be a friend or fan, but whether or […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. As I gaze about my office, I’m amused at its absurdity. It contains an eclectic array of form and function. Although my computer technology is first rate, the room’s remaining contents are a varied collection emanating from different decades, with diverging appearance and disparate degrees of utility. In short, nothing […]
Last week I blogged about Robin Mellom, an author whose YA (young adult) writing I really like, but she didn’t have a second YA book for me to buy. Though I could periodically check her author page on Amazon or her website, I know in reality I will soon forget, missing news of her next […]
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World By Michael Hyatt (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Michael Hyatt dedicates his book Platform to all the creative people who were dismissed because they lacked a platform to promote their work. As his subtitle proclaims, he wants to help them Get Noticed in a Noisy World. Divided into five […]
Book Review: Ditched
Ditched: A Love Story By Robin Mellom (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Justina’s prom didn’t go at all as planned. After tumbling from a moving car just as the morning light emerged, she finds her prom dress ripped and stained, with no memory of what happened, no cellphone to call for help, and no money – […]
Although I resisted it for months, I recently immersed myself in a Young Adult book, a romance, no less: Ditched: A Love Story, by Robin Mellom. I poured over it with can’t-put-it-down abandon. I read it in two days. When I finished reading it, the next thing I did was read it again. I enjoyed […]
APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur-How to Publish a Book By Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) There are many good (and a few not so good) resources that cover self-publishing. Some are in the form of books, others as podcasts, and more as blog posts. By far the best I’ve seen is the […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD If you work on the frontlines at your call center, you already know what I’m about to say: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – more commonly referred to as Obamacare – has people upset. As a result, the number of frustrated, angry, and even hostile people you talk to every […]