Call Center

Do You Survey Your Callers?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As a consumer, I have a love-hate response to surveys. Sometimes I dismiss them and feel guilty. Other times I take them and feel like I’ve wasted my time. I group surveys in four categories: Market Research: The first type of survey is market research. All those who complete the […]

Writing and Publishing

Four Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary

I’ve been a long-time subscriber to Readers Digest. Although I read every joke and anecdote, I only read some of the articles. (You may draw your own conclusion about what that means.) A favorite feature of mine is “Word Power,” a multiple-choice vocab test, which for me sometimes ends up more like a “multiple guess” […]


The Truth about Interactive Voice Response

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Interactive Voice Response (IVR) seems to be everywhere – and no one likes them! You call a company and get a recording. Who wants that? In response to frustration with infuriating IVR systems that give endless levels of options, many people seek to bypass the machine by pressing zero – […]

Writing and Publishing

Copy and Paste Plagiarism

At work, I receive a steady stream of article submissions for my magazines and websites. Lately, I’ve noticed something alarming: plagiarism. It’s not that I’m on the lookout for it, but some authors don’t even bother to cover their tracks. They copy content from a website and paste it directly into their article, including the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

4 Tips for Managing Home-Based Agents

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Many healthcare call centers are decentralized, linking multiple centers together and embracing home-based agents. While there are many advantages with home-based agents, the risks are great for those who rush into it without careful planning. Here are some considerations: 1) Formulate a Clear Policy: Your call center either has agents […]

Writing and Publishing

Perfect Proofing Practices

It’s hard for most people to proof their own writing. I’m no exception. For my magazines, I hire a proofreader to check my work and the other submissions that will appear in each issue. For my books, I pay a copy editor to catch my errors. For blogs, I rely on my wife and friends […]

Telephone Answering Service

Pay Attention to Internet Security in Your TAS

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD When using the Internet, it’s critical to be aware of the risks. You don’t want to take a naive approach toward security on your telephone answering service’s computers. Computer security is a complex issue, deserving serious attention. At the risk of oversimplification, here are some simple guidelines to follow: There […]

Writing and Publishing

What’s Your Writing Process?

I call myself an “iteration writer,” meaning that through a process of repeated passes, or iterations, I fine-tune my writing until I achieve the results I desire. While some writers write quickly and then edit extensively, I’m not one of them. My first draft is generally good—not finished good, but respectable. When writing, each time […]

Call Center

Dealing with Call Centers Gone Bad

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The majority of calls I receive are from people who want to sell me something I don’t want or need, so I’ve become adept at ending these conversations quickly. If they keep selling after I’ve given my terse “no,” I restate my disinterest, ask them to not call again, and […]

Writing and Publishing

If Publishing a Book Was Easy, Everyone Would Do It

The first writing conference I attended had no authors with published books, which was discouraging. The second conference had several, which was intimidating. Although these published authors were in a minority, they loomed large. We, unpublished attendees comprised a silent majority. At the first conference, our speaker said only three percent of writers make their […]