Writing and Publishing

Why Every Blog Needs a Theme

This is part 3 in our continuing series on blogging. First, I shared why writers should blog, and then I gave the four elements of a post. Today’s topic is the one key thing we must do before our first post: develop a blogging theme. For my first blog Musings, I wrote about anything and […]

Writing and Publishing

What’s the Difference Between a WordPress Page and Post?

Part 2 in the continuing series on using WordPress for blogging: a platform-building, book-selling tool. Many beginning WordPress bloggers are confused by the difference between a page and a post. Aside from both being one-syllable, four-letter words that start with “P,” they also look the same, both when writing them and viewing them. However, they […]


The Write Stuff: Tips For Successful Publishing

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Consider this: “ABC Company, a strategic provider of advanced business technology applications to facilitate organizational utilization of gamechanging convergent networks, announced today the release of its unprecedented Widgetiser solution, which is guaranteed to revolutionize existing technological infrastructures overnight.” This is a fictitious example of an all too common press release. […]

Writing and Publishing

Four Elements of a Successful Blog Post: Use Each Component to Maximize Results

Last week, I shared eight reasons why every writer should blog and also linked to my new series on setting up and using WordPress. Today, I want to look at the four key components of a successful post. Title: What might make for a great article title may not be a great blog title. Blog […]

Writing and Publishing

Eight Reasons Why Every Writer Should Blog

I feel strongly about the importance of blogging, and the title of this post confirms that. However, I admit to tapping hyperbole to make a point. A more accurate title might be “Eight reasons why every writer should consider blogging.” Blogging may not be right for everyone; surely there are exceptions. But before you claim […]

Writing and Publishing

Using WordPress For Your Blog

Two Options to Consider This is a blog about book publishing, yet today starts a series on blogging. Why? While there are many options to use for blogging, I’ll only address WordPress, simply because it’s the most popular option. WordPress is to blogging, as Microsoft Word is to word-processing. With WordPress, there are two flavors […]

Telephone Answering Service

Evaluating Change

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In the March issue of Medical Call Center News (check it out if you serve medical accounts), I wrote about implementing change in your operation. It reminded me of the change TAS Trader went through in January when we switched from a PDF format to an email format. Though making […]

Writing and Publishing

Integrate Blogging With Your Author Platform

As the final post in this series on platform building, we’ll address blogging. Although blogging isn’t right for every author, it is something that warrants serious consideration. After all, you are a writer and you wrote a book, so blogging is a natural extension of what you do: using words to connect with your audience […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Implementing Change in Your Call Center

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The first step to establish a change-oriented culture in your call center is to minimize employee fears about change. Employees can accept change if 1) the change is incremental or small; 2) they have a degree of input or control over the change; and 3) the change is clearly understood […]

Call Center

Don’t Make Extra Work for Your Agents

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I enjoy the simplicity of companies that email me my invoices and statements. This saves paper and time. What frustrates me is the companies that merely notify me when an invoice or statement is available. I then need to log into their secure website and download the needed file. I […]