Writing and Publishing

Proof then Publish

Another blogging tip is to proof and then publish. That is, once written, review with care and post without delay. It’s that simple. Some beginning bloggers are afraid to share what they write. They fear it’s not good enough or people will criticize their words. They talk themselves into waiting until it’s better. They search […]

Writing and Publishing

Six Book Submission Tips

Whether submitting your book to an agent or directly to a publisher, here are a few tips to follow to be viewed as professional, avoid being blacklisted, and increase your chances for success: Following these six tips will increase your chances of having your book published. Of course, the most important tip is to write […]

Writing and Publishing

Make One Point Per Post

Another blogging tip is to make one, and only one, point per post. Trying to cover two or more points is a distraction that will turn off readers, cause confusion, or risk them missing key communication. For some bloggers this is easy, while for others, sticking to one point is difficult; but remember, we respect […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Format Your Book Submission

There are two main considerations for formatting your book submission: First, follow the basic criteria that almost all people agree on; failing to do this decreases your chances for success. Second, many publishers and agents post submission guidelines on their websites telling you what they expect. So, start with the basic requirements in all your […]

Telephone Answering Service

The System’s Down

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD On Monday I called a vendor about my invoice. “I’m sorry,” the rep said, “but we’re doing an update, and I can’t access your records.” Given that they only operate sixty hours a week, doing an update in the middle of the day was strange timing. The evening would be […]

Writing and Publishing

Does Your Blog Need Pictures?

My eighth blogging tip is to include a picture. Really? Then where are they? I’ve never included artwork on my first blog, Musings. Four reasons why I didn’t include artwork in my posts: Four reasons why we should include artwork with our posts:

Healthcare Call Centers

An ER Visit Is More Than Great Care; It Also Requires Great Follow Up

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Last month I took a trip to the ER – as a patient. It was one of the silly things; I guess that’s why they call them accidents. A series of small decisions throughout my day resulted in a final “oops” at the wrong time and…well, I’ll spare you the […]

Writing and Publishing

Three Tips for Reader Engagement

Blog Comments Provide Quick Feedback and Encourage Interaction Another successful blogging tip is to engage readers. Interacting with our audience is the best and easiest way to connect with readers and build a following (that is, grow our platform). The best way to engage readers is by encouraging blog comments. Having comments can also increase […]

Call Center

Don’t Chase Away Shoppers: Turning Prospects into Customers

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I often share customer service stories in this column. While I prefer to pass on examples of excellence, they are harder to spot than service gone awry. Even so, I try not to let these tales become a rant but instead offer helpful information in an interesting way. As my […]

Writing and Publishing

Seven Tips For Effective Blogging

Here is the final installment in our series on using WordPress for blogging: a platform-building, book-selling tool. For the first six posts, we covered the technical aspects of setting up and using a WordPress blog. In this post, I’ll share implementation tips.