Healthcare Call Centers

Does Your Medical Call Center Need a New Name?

Consider an Internal Rebranding as a Strategic Initiative This Year By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Functionally you may label your operation as a medical call center, a healthcare contact center, or a medical answering service. This identifier may or may not be included in the name of your operation. Regardless, it might be time to […]

Writing and Publishing

Public Relations and Promoting Your Book

Book publishing is more than just writing and producing books; it is also about selling them. Selling books requires a host of skills, including marketing, promotion, and public relations. Yes, public relations—PR for short. At its most basic level, public relations is managing the flow of information from an entity (a company, organization, or an […]

Writing and Publishing

The Author Brand

As an Author, You are Your Brand Many authors are uncomfortable with the idea of branding themselves. I know I was. But the reality is that as authors, we are our brand. Yes, there are some exceptions, but they are rare. And before you decide to become one of those exceptions, ask yourself this one […]