Writing and Publishing

UR Turn: Are You on Goodreads?

Goodreads is the premier social media site for book lovers In past months we’ve covered Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. One social media option is especially tailored to writers: Goodreads. “Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations.” Goodreads turned ten this year. It has 55 million members, 1.5 billion books listed, […]


The Sales and Marketing Success Formula

Sales Success Comes through Attitude and Execution By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD People often ask, “How can I get more sales?” Increasing sales stands as a primary concern at most businesses. No one has ever told me their company closes all the deals they want. I wish they would ask me easier questions: “How can […]

Writing and Publishing

The Number One Mistake Writers Make

Failing to stay current on writing trends hurts writers and lessens their work It seems everything I learned in school about writing was wrong. Okay, that’s an overstatement. But many of the lessons I mastered in school no longer apply or are just plain wrong. However, I don’t think my teachers were in error over […]

Telephone Answering Service

What Types of Communication Do You Handle?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD You are in the telephone answering service (TAS) industry. Notice the word telephone. Surely your TAS focuses on telephone communications, but do you process more than phone calls? Should you do more? What are the ramifications if you do? What are the risks if you don’t? As communication continues to […]

Writing and Publishing

The Price of Information

If I subscribed to every email newsletter and information service that was offered me, there would not be enough time to read them all. So when a newsletter offer appears in my in box, which frequently happens, I give it only the briefest of consideration before pressing delete. Last week, however, I paused long enough […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Is Your Contact Center Effective?

Meeting the two essential elements of a contact is just the first step By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It doesn’t matter if a call is answered in a modern contact center staffed with a team of trained professionals or by one weary person in a single-phone department. In both cases patients and callers evaluate their […]

Writing and Publishing

Is Following a Writing Model a Good Idea?

Though using a pattern to inform our books’ structure has merit, it may lead us to a troublesome end There are multiple guides we can follow to properly structure the books we write. Perhaps the most common is the three-act structure, but there are many others as well. There’s enough to make me dizzy, so […]

Writing and Publishing

UR Turn: Other Social Media Platforms for Writers

With no shortage of social media platforms to consider, several may warrant attention So far we’ve talked about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. But there are hundreds of other social media platforms to consider. While some platforms are obscure, others garner much more attention. Though some of these social media outposts are worthy of consideration, […]

Writing and Publishing

What to Do When You Can’t Do It All

The list of advice for writers is long, seemingly more than is humanly possible to accomplish Advice for writers is never is a short supply. Just when we regularly carve out time to write, another requirement piles on our plate and then a third and a fourth. Before long we grow overwhelmed and want to […]

Writing and Publishing

Are You Okay as a Writer?

It’s hard not to compare ourselves with other writers and dangerous when we do As a teenager, I remember reading the book I’m Okay—You’re Okay by Thomas Harris. As I recall, the book explained that we consider ourselves in one of two ways, either as being okay or as not being okay. Conversely, we judge […]