
The Side Effects of Coupons

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A couple of years ago my preferred office supply store embarked on a creative strategy to sell me more stuff. And it worked—for a while. They started emailing me coupons that offered nice discounts—if I spent about 50% more than what had been my typical historical purchase. Not wanting to […]


“One Moment Please, While I Disconnect Your Call”

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The track record of receptionists successfully transferring calls is not good. In fact, based on my experience, successful call transfers actually occur less than half the time. The most common result is being disconnected. The receptionist attempts to transfer your call, but there is no ringing and no music on […]

Writing and Publishing

Where Should You Write?

As you consider when to write, it is also critical to consider the issue of where to write. Not only does this depend on your circumstances, but also on your personality. While writing is often a solitary process, some prefer to do so in the company of others. They may opt to write amid the […]


Opt-in Email Marketing: Proceed with Caution

Use Opt-in Email Marketing With Care By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Years ago, two companies that I “opted in” to receive messages did it wrong—so I voted with the cancel link and opted out. I had happily bought from both and eagerly accepted their requests to opt-in to receive promotional emails. I don’t know how […]

Telephone Answering Service

The Power of No

Learning to Say No Opens the Door to Yes By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD By nature, I like to help people. I enjoy diving into exciting projects. And I relish variety. As a result, I tend to say “yes” to opportunities that come my way. And the more I say “yes,” the busier I get. […]

Writing and Publishing

Six Flavors of Book Publishing

In a previous post, I talked about traditional publishing and vanity publishing (once the only two options), with hybrid publishing now filling the space between. Hybrid publishing is a combination of the two, with varying options for a book author. Hybrid Publishing A common term for this ever-evolving assortment of book publishing options is hybrid […]

Writing and Publishing

Computer Rage

We’ve all heard of road rage—and I suspect have on occasion had that split second impulse to ram our car into an offending driver. (Please tell me that I’m not the only one.) Fortunately, common sense and civility prevail and actual vehicular assault is rare, is caused by a limited number of drivers who should […]

Writing and Publishing

Hybrid Publishing: Providing a Continuum of Publishing Options

Once upon a time, authors had two primary options to publish their books: a traditional publisher or a vanity publisher. However, a new option has emerged: hybrid publishing. Traditional Publishing In today’s challenging economic environment, traditional publishers are risk-averse. This makes it harder for a new author to sign with them. A traditional publisher simply […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Rebranding a Medical Call Center

A Brand is Only as Good as the Company and Staff Behind It  By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A company I do business with just announced a name change. They’re rebranding themselves. Their new name is supposed to better align with their core values, culture, and corporate vision. It’s also intended to dispel some confusion […]

Writing and Publishing

What Movies Teach Us About Book Publishing

I read a lot of book reviews and even more movie reviews. Setting aside the critiques that are not really reviews—attacks on persons or perspective—the resulting (real) reviews are insightful for the book or movie in question but also in better understanding their respective industries. I’ve noticed a difference between movie reviews and book reviews. […]