Writing and Publishing

Can You Self-Publish Your Book For Free?

If we publish our book with a traditional publisher, there are no out-of-pocket expenses. The publisher even pays us an advance. Although it might not be much, at least we receive some money at the beginning of the publishing process. Not so with self-publishing. Self-publishing costs money, Self Publishing Costs Money This is not the […]

Call Center

September 2001

September 2001 I entered the publishing world when I bought Connections Magazine from its founder, Steve Michaels. As a result, I don’t know what day the sale was official, but what I do know is that the package of publication’s records and files arrived on September 10, 2001. Early that next day, I dove into […]

Telephone Answering Service

How a Mystery Caller Program Can Benefit Your Answering Service

Receiving Independent, Third-Party Feedback Is the Most Valuable Information You Can Get By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As a writer, I’m a big fan of constructive feedback. Sometimes it’s affirming and other times it’s discouraging, but when it comes from a credible source it’s always beneficial. The same applies to the answering service industry. Receiving […]

Writing and Publishing

Remove Self From Self-Publishing: Assemble a Team

Self-publishing is a misnomer or at least successful self-publishing is. A better label might be team publishing. That is, when we self-publish, we must not do it all ourselves (though we can, we shouldn’t) but instead assemble a team, a self-publishing team. Here are the players for our self-publishing team: Author, the Self-Publishing Team Captain […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Call Center Lessons from a Walk-In Healthcare Clinic

We Need to Be Ready to Learn Whatever We Can, Wherever We Can By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Last week I went to a walk-in healthcare clinic to deal with an itchy skin affliction that was driving me crazy. (It turns out it was poison ivy or some variation thereof.) Not only did I get […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Do You React to Today or Plan for Tomorrow?

How We Handle Each Day Prepares Us for the Next One By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the medical answering service and call center industry, there’s always more than enough to do to fill each day. Between staffing issues, client or caller crises, and technical problems there are not enough hours to attend to them […]

Writing and Publishing

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear about Book Publishing

Several years ago, I received a telemarketing call from a well-known self-publishing operation, a division of a well-known traditional publisher.  She wanted to talk about book publishing. Although unwelcomed, the interruption didn’t surprise me, because a few years ago I had contacted them. Their business model intrigued me, but I dismissed them when I stumbled […]


The Side Effects of Discounts

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I recently shared my experience with my office supply chain’s enticing coupon offers. The result was a short-term increase in my buying habits, followed by a prolonged lull. In like manner, years ago, my Internet hosting company embarked on a similar strategy. Their approach was offering discounts. Depending on the […]

Call Center

The Failure of New Customer Discounts

Companies Focus on New Customer Acquisition and Then Encourage Customers to Leave in Two Years By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD My family just completed our biennial cell phone switch. We’ve been doing this like clockwork for two decades. We pick the company that offers the best price and switch to that one. Two years later […]

Writing and Publishing

What It Takes To Land a Book Deal

You have likely heard stories of publishers turning down books that later went on to become bestsellers. There are also tales of agents who missed seeing a book’s potential, only to be proven wrong when someone else made it a success. These accounts prove that having a book published with a traditional publisher is far […]