Writing and Publishing

Practical Tips for Dealing with Rejection

Rejection comes at two times: prior to publication and after publication.  Pre-publication rejection comes from agents and publishers saying “no” to our work. It isn’t good enough or “doesn’t meet our needs at this time.” A form of what can feel like rejection also comes from feedback on our work from critique groups, beta readers, […]

Telephone Answering Service

Answering Service Marketing, Then and Now

Sales and Marketing Tactics Change, but the Need to Close Sales Doesn’t By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In the early days of the telephone answering service industry, most all clients were local. This was because a physical off premise extension of the customers’ phone line needed to be installed in the answering service. If the […]

Writing and Publishing

Tips on Being a Ghostwriter

I’ve ghostwritten some books and enjoyed doing so. The payment is almost always a fixed rate, paid in installments. Require the first payment before starting the project, and the final payment is due when the writer submits the finished product to the author. (The person who hires you is the author, and you are the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Article Library at

Access Two Hundred Healthcare Call Center Articles Now in One Place By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. For the past twenty years I’ve covered various aspects of the call center industry, publishing relevant trade periodicals. This includes AnswerStat, as well as our sister publication, Medical Call Center News. During these two decades, I’ve written over five […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Make Money through Freelance Writing

Being a freelance writer can take many forms, some lucrative and others that leave you struggling as a pauper. Payment for most freelance work is by the finished piece, though some might be per word. But when it comes to looking at how much you can earn as a freelancer, always think in terms of […]


Customer Service Matters

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD We hear much today about delighting our customers. This is an admirable goal, and every business should strive to do so. We must acknowledge, however, that this is not sustainable. We may delight customers upon occasion, but to expect we’ll succeed in every interaction will leave us falling short of […]

Writing and Publishing

Financial Considerations of Being a Full-Time Writer

If you want to become a full-time writer, consider the financial ramifications. First, don’t quit your day job. I’m serious. I don’t know anyone who one day quit their job and transitioned into being a full-time writer the next day. It takes years to make that move. While you still have your full-time job, start […]

Writing and Publishing

Is It Possible to Be a Full-Time Writer?

One author quipped that in the United States more people earn their living from playing Major League Baseball than from being full-time novelists. Ouch! The truth is, few people make their living full-time from writing. One author quipped that in the United States more people earn their living from playing Major League Baseball than from […]

Call Center

The Benefits of Home-Based Call Center Agents

Discover Why Every Call Center Should Move Toward Having a Remote Staff By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Many businesses struggle to find entry-level employees. This includes the call center industry. Though the technology to allow for remote work has existed for a long time—and continues to get better—some call centers are reluctant to embrace the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Move from Crisis Mode to Intentional Action

Failing to Prepare Is Preparation for Failure By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Most medical call centers scrambled during the past year to adapt to ever-changing protocols. This includes adjusting to meet caller expectations, appropriately scheduling staff while ensuring their safety, and handling more calls than usual. As a result, a day-to-day survival mentality has emerged […]