Writing and Publishing

The Work of Publishing Periodicals

I publish four periodicals: two magazines, an e-publication, and an e-newsletter. There is an established workflow to each, with every day requiring that some task be accomplished for at least one of them. Additionally, one of the magazines has an overlapping production schedule, meaning that sometimes I have to start the next issue before the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Healthcare Debate Continues

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As a magazine and Web site publisher, all manner of articles and press releases show up in my inbox on a daily basis.  Although some of them are carefully targeted to the markets I serve, most are widespread missives that are sent to every publisher with a pulse, regardless of […]

Call Center

Call Center Work

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Ironically, most of the communication that I do in producing Connections Magazine, a publication about call centers, is done via email and not the telephone. My phone rings infrequently, and when it does the caller is often someone I don’t want to talk to – either a mismatched attempt to […]

Call Center

The Effects of High Unemployment

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD With the unemployment rate running so high, businesses needing to hire find themselves in a “buyer’s market.” There are plenty of people looking for work. This results in more applicants to pick from for each opening. High unemployment has also served to limit employment options, thereby reducing worker mobility. The […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Go for the Green

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. No, this isn’t an article about amassing quantities of cash or an allusion to pursuing an Olympic medal. Rather, it is about environmental green, specifically as related to AnswerStat magazine. Having been bitten by the ecology bug as a teenager, I have always had a favorable predisposition towards the environment […]

Healthcare Call Centers

President Obama’s Real Goal for Healthcare Reform

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD January marked a historical senate vote in Massachusetts of near epic proportions.  Essentially, this became a referendum on the President Obama’s first year in office in general and the healthcare debate in particular.  The result of the contest did not bode well for our president.  I wonder if he’s listening, […]


Survey Shows Ads In Print Publications Are Still Being Seen and Read

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Despite people turning to online sources for information gathering, readers still engage with print publications. According to data gathered by Readex Research Red Sticker Studies in 2004 and 2008, there isn’t a significant change in the percentage of readers who indicated that they saw and read 1-page, 4-color ads when […]


Seven Benefits of Print Advertising

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD “Print is a display technology,” notes columnist Andrew Brenneman. “Ink on paper will endure well into the digital age.” He then lists seven reasons why, stating that Print is: 1. Physical: it has a tangible presence, working well for active and passive seekers 2. Portable: it can be easily moved; […]

Call Center

What Clients of Outsourcers Seek

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Not surprisingly, the vast majority of readers of Connections Magazine operate a call center. Many are outsourcers, providing contact center services for other organizations, while the rest are internal (in-house) call centers that outsource, or have the potential to outsource, some or all of their contact center work. Consequently, there […]

Call Center

Does IVR Stand for “Idiotic Voice Response”?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Last fall I bought a new wireless router for my network. One of the features it boasted was the option to connect an external hard drive to it for backing up files from any network computer. As you might suspect, I wasn’t able to get it to work, so I […]