Call Center

Reflections, Thoughts, and Observations from the Convention

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD For many years, it’s been my pleasure to attend the annual ATA Convention & Expo. This year’s inaugural springtime event was no exception.  Each year, I look forward to seeing and interacting with others in the contact center industry. Although I connect with many throughout the year via email and […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Avoid the Poison of Procrastination

Procrastination is a serious problem for writers and when taken to excess, it can be fatal to the craft. Procrastination can manifest itself in many different ways, but the result is the same: writing is deferred. When it is time to write: These are all forms of procrastination. In your writing career, you have likely […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Applying the Twelve Step Program to Life

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The Twelve Step program, developed by Alcoholics Anonymous to help people struggling with alcohol addiction, has been extended to address a wide range of destructive, compulsive behaviors. Key applications include drugs, food, sex, gambling, and smoking. Many individuals struggling with health issues prevalent today could benefit from practicing the Twelve […]

Writing and Publishing

The Threat of Academic Ghostwriting

Last month I shared my perspective on ghostwriting. I urged caution for those who hire ghostwriters (give your ghostwriters credit) and understanding of those who are ghostwriters (because I do ghostwriting). Then, I read “The Cheating Epidemic” in the May Reader’s Digest, which addressed academic ghostwriting. The article chronicles a prolific writer who earned a […]

Telephone Answering Service

TAS Trader Readers Speak Out

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Last month, we surveyed TAS Trader subscribers. We were pleased and encouraged by the high response rate, as well as the positive and insightful feedback. The bottom line is that TAS Trader is well-received, well-read, and enjoys much support. Here are some of the details of what we learned: This […]

Writing and Publishing

Six Tips for Proofing Your Work

Proofing your own work is hard for most people. After all, you know what you intended to say, so that is what you tend to see when you proofread your writing. Proofing is a huge challenge for me, as you have likely seen in past posts. I am much more likely to catch errors when […]

Writing and Publishing

What Are You Reading?

In last week’s post, I pointed out the value and importance of reading in order to become a better writer. The question then becomes, What should I read?

Call Center

The Total Cost of Ownership

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I love to have the latest, fastest, and most powerful tools and toys, but I hate the time it takes for implementation, requiring that I preempt more important activities to install, fine-tune, and master my new technology. Therefore, I tend to stick with […]

Healthcare Call Centers

A Positive Perspective

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Having just returned from an industry convention, I, like every traveler, have many travel stories; here are three: Once, while awaiting my connecting flight to return home, an announcement grabbed my attention, “Now boarding all rows, all passengers; this is the final boarding.” That’s strange; I had apparently tuned out […]

Writing and Publishing

Are You Reading?

A piece of writing advice that shocked me was to spend as much time reading as writing. That’s ridiculous. If I do that, the little time I have to write will be cut in half. Not counting my day job, I can only carve out a couple of hours a day to write, so cutting […]