Writing and Publishing

Same Word – Opposite Meaning

In “Check Your Writing” I noted that, as writers, we only need to scrutinize two things: our facts and our words. Sometimes words can have opposite meanings and we need to use them with grave caution – or avoid them altogether. Consider: Oversight: 1) An unintentional mistake; 2) watchful care. Confusing usage: “His oversight of the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Be Happy and Successful at Work

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. As a magazine publisher, I receive frequent pitches from publicists wanting me to read their clients’ book in hopes I will publish a favorable review. They’re happy to send me a free copy – and sometimes the books just show up unannounced. Although tempting, I already have a stack of […]

Writing and Publishing

When it Comes to Writing Submissions Are You a Rookie or Professional?

Consider these traits that separate a rookie and professional writer. When you submit your writing, do you come across as a rookie or a professional? Consider these rookie traits to avoid and these professional characteristics to pursue. Rookie or Professional:You May Be a Rookie Writer If You… Rookie or Professional:You Are a Professional Writer If […]

Writing and Publishing

Get Published Quick

I read of a published author who advises writers on how to snag a book deal through blogging. Another says social media, specifically Facebook, is the key, while a third advocate the aggressive use of Twitter. Then there’s the countervailing strategy to not waste time online. Others say give your work away, either for a […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Write Press Releases

Among the many things writers can produce, one item is a press release. But there’s an art to penning a compelling one. Although the intent of the press release is a promotion it should not appear so. A press release is foremost a news item, a noteworthy occurrence. A good press release will focus on […]


A $175 Oil Change

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A few years ago I bought a new car. Although it wasn’t my practice to take my car to the dealer for maintenance, a new car changed that habit. After all, there was warranty work to be considered and their coupons for low cost oil changes were enticing. About the time […]


Peter DeHaan and Jerry Barrett Start Writers Group

Kalamazoo Christian Writers critique group holds first meeting and generates excitement Mattawan, Michigan, July 19, 2012 – Peter DeHaan and Jerry Barrett have started a writers critique group, Kalamazoo Christian Writers (KCW), based in Kalamazoo Michigan. The first meeting was held July 11 at The Point, a non-profit community center located on the west side […]

Writing and Publishing

Trolls Under the Bridge

I don’t actually have trolls under the bridge or for that matter a bridge, but what I do have is rabbits — rabbits under the deck. It’s a good habitat for them. The deck floor provides somewhat of a roof and the lattice surrounding it serves as a means to keep larger animals out, while […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Game On: Time to Get Started With Gamification

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I was quite skeptical when I first heard about “gamification,” the use of gaming concepts to motivate desirable behavior among customers (or employees). I reasoned that while expecting customers to “play games” might result in a short-term increase in brand involvement or purchases, I doubted if it was sustainable. However, […]

Writing and Publishing

The 2012 Breathe Christian Writers Conference

The 2012 Breathe Christian Writers Conference will be held on October 12 and 13, featuring keynote speaker Terry Whalin. This year the location is being moved to Dutton Michigan, just a couple miles from the Grand Rapids airport (the Gerald R. Ford International Airport). I’ve been to the last two Breathe conferences and highly recommend […]