Writing and Publishing

Do You Have a Memorable Photo?

I wrote this last week—and revised it today—in response to a writing prompt Ted Kluck gave at a writing conference. His assignment challenged us to describe a memorable photo: It may have been the pinnacle of my high school track career. It was at the biggest meet of the year, perhaps my life, and I […]


Peter DeHaan Addresses Breathe Conference

Author Peter DeHaan spoke at the Breathe Christian Writers Conference on October 12, in Dutton Michigan. This year’s conference enjoyed a record attendance and attendees flocked to Peter DeHaan’s workshop, “Writing 101: Getting Started in Your Writing Career.” Although billed as an introductory session, it was attended by both new and experienced writers. “I was […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Write in a Spiritual Community?

As a writer, I write alone; it’s a solitary activity. So it’s good for me to periodically emerge from my self-imposed cocoon and spend time with other people—and other writers are the people who understand me best, those with who I am most comfortable to be around. I just returned from a Christian Writers conference. […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing Conference Update

I’ve just returned from a two-day writing conference, the best I’ve ever attended. Last year, I set a goal for this year’s conference, which I was able to meet. I also had a long list of things I was looking forward to and everyone was met and most were exceeded. As a bonus, I had […]

Writing and Publishing

What I’m Looking Forward to the Most at the Breathe Conference

This weekend I’m heading off to the Breathe Writers Conference. It will be my third time in three years. There are many things I’m looking forward to, among them: Mostly I’m looking forward to being in the company of other writers, to share and learn, to encourage and be encouraged, and to grow as a […]

Writing and Publishing

Six Things to Consider Before Writing Your Personal Story

I recently had someone share a book idea with me. It was about him dealing with a tragedy. If you want to write your story about a personal struggle, here are some questions to ask: Are you emotionally able to write? This man was in the middle of his struggle. He was on edge and […]


How Much Does it Cost to Ship Socks?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD There’s a certain brand of wool socks that I like. Okay, I really, really like them. I’m wearing a pair right now. I wanted to try a different style, but the local outlets didn’t carry it. Though I prefer to buy online and bypass the “experience” of going to a […]

Call Center

The Right Touch

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Email is a cost-effective and simple way to reach out and touch clients and customers. But just because it’s cheap and easy, this doesn’t mean it’s always a good idea. When done wrong, email messages can alienate the audience you’re trying to cultivate. Send Only Useful Messages Many years ago […]

Healthcare Call Centers

What Is Your Phone Perspective?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I have never done outbound calling, and it would be a bad idea for me to try. I have done inbound work. Inbound is a good match for me; outbound is not. As such, I tend to assume others share my reticence towards outbound calling. Once I projected this viewpoint […]

Writing and Publishing

Four Reasons to Set Goals

It’s important to set goals, both for our work and for our self. Goals move us forward Without goals, it’s easy to drift from day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year—and nothing really changes. One of my goals is to attend two writing conferences each year. This helps grow […]