An Insider’s Guide to Christian Publishing By Ann Byle (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) The Making of a Christian Bestseller: An Insider’s Guide to Christian Publishing is a valuable handbook of practical advice for writers in the Christian book market. Additionally, most of the insights are equally applicable to the general book market as well. The Making […]
By Seth Godin and illustrated by Hugh MacLeod (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Self-proclaimed as “an ABC for grownups,” Seth Godin’s book V is for Vulnerable may look like a kids picture book, but it’s really a creative package to encourage adults “to see the world differently.” In it, Godin shares simple truths to help readers […]
If we’re honest, we’ll admit we crave feedback – feedback of the positive kind. We want to know our writing is good, that our words connect with others, and that we inspire, entertain, or educate. We seek affirmation; we yearn validation. Whether we admit it or not, we have an ego needing to be stroked. […]
How Do I Decide? Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing (A Field Guide for Authors) By Rachelle Gardner (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In How Do I Decide? Rachelle Gardner gives an unbiased explanation of the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing. She starts with a brief review of how publishing has changed in the past […]
How Not to Treat Employees
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD After spending the prior summer relegated to working a smattering of part-time odd jobs, Dan desired a different outcome for his summer break from college. He learned it was important to start his search early to beat out the competition. Through networking, he developed a list of prime prospects. Four […]
When we write an instructional article, post, or nonfiction book, we have three ways to address our audience. The method we select will affect how we connect with our audience, influencing if they receive—or even read-our words. Let’s consider these three styles: Inclusive: To include our audience when we write, we pepper our words with […]
I often hear authors and instructors encourage writers to write quickly. They say things such as: Their goal is speed Given the number of people advocating such things, it seems this is how everyone should write. I comprehend the logic of this approach, but it doesn’t work for me—and it may not be right for […]
A Brand New Year
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. As we transition from one year to another, I want to pause to project some observations into the near future. Social Media: Are you tired of hearing about social media? Well, brace yourself to hear more about it in the years to come. Social media isn’t a fad; it’s here […]
My Writing Goals for 2013
Last year, I posted my writing goals for 2012. They were: How did I do? My dissertation was finished and approved and my website was completely overhauled. I did complete the draft of one book (though not the one I intended) and started book two. Though I have had some informal interaction with agents, I […]
I’ve been writing for more years than I care to admit. My journey falls into three segments and in each one, I accidentally discovered a key to becoming a better writer. Increase Your Speed: For most of my life, the writing was something I did as an adjunct to something else. It was part of […]