Writing and Publishing

The Main Problem with Self-Publishing is Poor Content

I’ve read many self-published books and looked at even more. Too many of them scream “Self-published!” This distresses me. I love self-publishing and the many options it offers, but I loathe seeing it done poorly. This begins a series of posts on the Errors of Self-Publishing. The primary error of self-publishing is poor content This […]

Writing and Publishing

8 Essential WordPress Plugins

Part 6 in the continuing series on using WordPress for blogging: a platform-building, book-selling tool. Today we’ll cover plugins. In many ways a WordPress plugin is similar to a WordPress widget: both enhance the functionality of a blog or website. Though widgets are visible to readers, plugins generally work behind the scenes. If a widget […]

Writing and Publishing

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Here are the lessons learned from a computer fiasco I had:

Telephone Answering Service

How Should You View Answering Service AI?

Determine the Role Artificial Intelligence Will Play in Your Telephone Answering Service By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Unless you’re intentionally ignoring it, talk of artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us. It’s hard to miss. AI is not a fad that will soon fade, a hype that will soon die down. AI is a trend […]

Writing and Publishing

Why Work Is Cyclical

In theory, my workload should proceed as a steady flow of predictable effort year round. In reality, it doesn’t happen that way. It takes five weeks from start to finish to produce one issue of one magazine, and Connections Magazine is published six times a year. Medical Call Center News and Answer Stat releases every other […]

Writing and Publishing

E-Book Challenges: 5 Things That Are Hard To Do In E-Books

Last week I posted Five Things You Can Do With E-Books. Today I consider their limitations. Here are my top e-book challenges: Footnotes If a book needs references, I prefer footnotes to endnotes. However, with the font resizing aspect of e-book readers, displaying footnotes is challenging at best and impossible at worst. Charts and Tables […]

Writing and Publishing

When Should You Enter Writing Contests?

Participating in writing contests can offer 6 key benefits I used to enter writing contests, but I haven’t done so lately. Writing contests are fun when you win, and I had a few wins early on. Interestingly, as I’ve improved as a writer, my success rate has dropped to zero. Hence I’m now less motivated. […]


Peter Lyle DeHaan Interviewed about Self-Publishing

YouTube Channel Features Veteran Author Peter Lyle DeHaan was interviewed on the Self-Publish Your Books with Confidence YouTube channel by Taryn Nergaard, owner and creative director of Typewriter Creative Co., posted on May 25, 2023. The video is titled “How I Self-Published: Peter DeHaan.” DeHaan has indie published (also known as self-publishing) over thirty books […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Integrate with Your Organization

Don’t Stay in Your Silo or Function in Isolation By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I once needed to call a company in the healthcare sector. With their call center I encountered long wait times, surly representatives, and little help in resolving my dilemma. I made many unsuccessful phone calls. At last, one rep transferred me […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Write a Query Letter for Your Book

Once we finish writing our book (though a book is never really finished), the next step for those wishing to land a traditional publishing deal is to find an agent. This requires a really great query letter. There’s a lot of information online about writing a query letter. Unfortunately, it seems to be as much […]