The Call Center Should Be the First to Know, Not the Last By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Too many call center agents learn about the launch of their healthcare organization’s product, incentive, or promotion from callers, not management. I hope your operation is different, but I fear you, too, have found yourself in this unenviable […]
Author: Peter Lyle DeHaan
Author Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, publishes books about business, customer service, the call center industry, and business and writing.
At one time, I became preoccupied with my writing platform. This was a huge mistake. It nearly ruined my career and almost destroyed me as a writer. I lost the joy of writing and was ready to give up. It wasn’t until I stopped fixating on growing my platform that my passion to write returned. […]
Assisted publishing or subsidy publishing is paying a company (or a person) to publish your book for you. I don’t have any experience using assisted publishing, because it’s not the right option for me. If you go this route, check references, ask a lot of questions, and treat it like a business decision—because it is. […]
Use Social Media as the Spokes of the Wheel and Your Website as the Hub By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Most telephone answering services (TASs) have a website. That’s great! But not all do. They don’t think it’s worth the modest investment and feel social media serves them quite well. I’ve even heard from services […]
Many people wonder if you can blog your book. This is a common question and answers differ. Here are my blogging tips for blogging your book. Fiction Writers For fiction writers, you can blog about your book’s content: setting, characters, and supporting background, but you can’t dole out your book in blog-sized chunks. Of course, […]
Personally, when it comes to finding balance, it seems something is always slipping, with the areas of writing, work, and life being in a constant state of tension. Yes, there are times where I may go a couple of days keeping everything in balance, but one little bump in the road and the whole thing […]
Staff Your Operation with Agents with the Right Stills to Work at the Time They’re Most Needed By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. You run a multichannel contact center for the healthcare industry and have staffed it with well-trained agents. Some specialize in one specific channel, others can handle related channels, and some are cross trained […]
Early in my career, I thought a query and a proposal were two names for the same document. Boy, was I confused? A query letter is a short communication to get an agent or publisher’s attention. If your query letter succeeds, they’ll ask for a book proposal. A proposal is a lengthy, detailed document that […]
Book Publishing Options
Writers often wonder if they should I indie publish their book or publish with a traditional publisher. I understand the question, and without sounding like a jerk, let me rephrase this question about publishing options. The question should be: Should I self-publish it or pursue a traditional publisher? Traditional Publishing I reworded it because we […]
Make Chat Availability a Priority
Make Customer Service a Distinguishing Factor for Your Organization By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Companies are increasingly offering chat services as a way for their customers and prospects to reach them. Not only is this an option that more and more people want to use, but many businesses find it’s a cost-effective customer service solution. […]