Writing and Publishing

I’m Back!

A few months ago, in my post “The Work of Publishing Periodicals” I explained why I hadn’t blogged for awhile — for 21 days to be exact. (Prior to that, the dubious record was 14 days — see “The AWOL Blogger is Back .”) In my entry, I blamed my absence from the blogosphere on […]

Call Center

A Trip to the ATA Convention

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Tomorrow afternoon, I’m heading off to the ATA (American Teleservices Association Meeting) in San Antonio, Texas.  It should be a great meeting and I’m excited about it (all except for the traveling part). I won’t likely be blogging while I’m gone, but do plan to submit some convention reports on the […]

Writing and Publishing

Travel Tidbits

I have returned from a phenomenal conference.  ATA knows how to put on a first-class event.  I was able to hear several great speakers (CNN’s Paul Begala, for one — he gave some cogent and compelling insight into the US Presidential race).  I saw old friends and made new ones.  I recorded three podcasts — […]

Healthcare Call Centers

A Tale of Two ATAs

This weekend I’m headed out to the ATA meeting in Washington. You may be wondering, “Didn’t you just return from the ATA meeting in Washington?” Ah, yes, but that was the American Telemedicine Association (aka ATA) meeting in Seattle, Washington.  Now I am going to the American Teleservices Association (aka ATA) “Washington Summit” in Washington, […]

Healthcare Call Centers

I’m Back!

I survived the rigors of air travel and have safely returned from a successful trip to the American Telemedicine Association Annual convention. My AnswerStat magazine co-sponsored a three-hour session, “The Medical Call Center’s Role in Telemedicine.” It was fun to moderate the event and meet attendees. All of my conference objectives were met, including generating […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Road Trip

I wonder, if you fly can it still be called a road trip? In any event, I am headed out tomorrow for the American Telemedicine Association Annual convention. My magazine, AnswerStat, is co-sponsoring a special session entitled “The Medical Call Center’s Role in Telemedicine.” Additionally, I will be serving as the event’s moderator.  I am […]