Call Center

A Trip to the ATA Convention

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD

Tomorrow afternoon, I’m heading off to the ATA (American Teleservices Association Meeting) in San Antonio, Texas.  It should be a great meeting and I’m excited about it (all except for the traveling part).

I won’t likely be blogging while I’m gone, but do plan to submit some convention reports on the Connections Magazine newsfeed, so if you’re in the call center industry, check that out next week (October 5-8).  I also hope to record some interviews as well.

In an unrelated issue, Detroit is currently playing San Antonio for the WNBA finals.  Ironically, I will not be in state where any of the five scheduled games will be played (not that I have any interest in going).

The first two were in San Antonio this week, while I was in Michigan.  The next two will be in Michigan, while I am in San Antonio.  The final game, if necessary, will be in San Antonio, after I return to Michigan.

I doubt, however, we will ever get to game five, as Detroit took the first two and only needs to win one more.  They should accomplish that on Sunday — unless they get overconfident.

So, when I return, I may have something to blog about traveling (airlines and hotels), share about my latest saga with the post office… or maybe something completely different.

In any event, I will try to keep it interesting.

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Connections Magazine, covering the call center industry.

Read his latest book, Call Center Connections.

Call Center Connections: Keys to Produce Successful Customer Service Outcomes, by Peter Lyle DeHaan

By Peter Lyle DeHaan

Author Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, publishes books about business, customer service, the call center industry, and business and writing.

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