Preparing for the Future WARNING: this book is a master’s thesis (1998) and contains academic research. It’s made available primarily to aid others who are conducting their own industry research. If this is what you seek, here’s an overview: The telephone answering service industry is facing uncertainty due to misconceptions, rising costs, and company closures. […]
Tag: resources

While a college degree in writing has value, it is not a requirement for a rewarding career Last week I talked about the appropriateness of hiring others to help us with our writing journeys. This has been a reoccurring theme in my career as a writer and my vocation as a publisher. When it comes […]
How to Be a Healthy Writer
8 tips to staying physically fit while spending hours at the keyboard I’m not a medical doctor, and I don’t play one on TV. But I have compiled a list of what it takes to be a healthy writer. Some I’ve learned through research, others through experience and a couple by common sense. The main […]
When I was in grade school I learned that to make a word possessive you simply added ’s to the end of it. That was easy. Oh, and there was one exception. If the word already ended in s, you simply added the apostrophe. Okay, I got it. Then, when my kids were in high […]
(NaNoWriMo) November is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. The goal is to write the first draft of a novel (or at least the first 50,000 words of a novel) during the month of November. The rules are simple: Though no prizes are awarded, everyone who completes the 50,000-word goal is a winner. […]
Last weekend I was at the Breathe Christian Writers Conference. It was my fifth year attending and my third as a speaker. (I shared tips on getting started as a writer and how to use WordPress.) Breathe is simply the finest writers conference I’ve ever attended. And this year it was the biggest one yet […]
A friend recently asked how to find a writing mentor. Yeah, I’d like one, too! One of my graduate classes was on mentoring, albeit focused on Millennials and spirituality. The principles I learned, however, apply to any type of mentoring, for almost any age. The reality is those good mentors are hard to find. The […]
Grammar is my weakness. It seems I switched schools at the wrong time and missed foundational instruction. I never did catch up, struggling with it to this day. As such, Grammarly, the online grammar checker, has intrigued me. Finally, I made time to check it out. According to the site, “Grammarly is an automated proofreader […]
Last year I took an online writing course from Jeff Goins. It’s called Tribe Writers. It was the most significant thing I did all year to grow as a writer. I enjoyed it so much, I took the class again to make sure I didn’t miss a thing. Then I took it a third time. […]
November is National Novel Writing Month, “NaNoWriMo” for short. NaNoWriMo encourages writers to crank out the first draft of a novel in the month of November, a mere 30 days. This starts in less than two weeks. (Don’t complain about not having enough advance warning, because I mentioned this eleven and a half months ago. […]