Writing and Publishing

Let’s Make the New Year Your Best Year Yet

We talk about writing books, producing books, and marketing books. Successful writers must do all three. Neglect one element and your book will fail to meet expectations and reach its potential. Even if you find a traditional publisher they will only handle the second requirement: publishing your book. Unless you are an A-list author they […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Implementing Change in Your Call Center

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD With the new year often comes change. The first step to establish a change-oriented culture in your healthcare call center is to minimize employee fears towards change. Employees can accept change if: 1) the change is incremental or small, 2) they have a degree of input or control over the […]

Writing and Publishing

What Are Your Writing Goals This Year?

Each year I set goals. For several years I posted my writing goals online. I did this to provide transparency and offer encouragement to you. I also made them public to help hold myself more accountable. Plus the mere fact of writing out our goals increases the chances of us actually reaching them. Holding our […]

Writing and Publishing

A Year in Review: Top 10 Book Publishing Posts in 2015

As 2015 winds down and we get ready to boldly move into 2016, here is our annual year in review list. The top ten posts on The Book Blog for 2015 are: And here are two more that would have cracked the top 10 list, but they were actually written in 2014. Even a year […]


Top Posts from Byline for 2015

As we migrate from 2015 to 2016 we pause to reflect on where we’ve been and then to look forward to where we’re going. First, here is our top posts for 2015, revealing the best of this blog as voted on by you (that is, the pages you read the most times): These represent the […]

Writing and Publishing

Avoiding a Spectacular Podcast Crash

Two weeks ago we talked about the benefits of podcasting to grow an audience for our books. Then we discussed possible downsides of podcasting and how podcasting isn’t right for everyone. Today we’ll look at one more consideration: the crash and burn. I listen to a lot of podcasts, about ten altogether. Some are monthly, […]

Writing and Publishing

Have You Ever Used Dictation to Write?

Last week we talked about the importance of knowing how many words we write per hour. I’ve heard experienced fiction writers who say they consistently clip along at 2,000 words an hour. They write four or more books a year. This boggles my mind. In the stratosphere of word counts, I’ve heard other writers claiming […]

Writing and Publishing

My Experience With Podcasting

Last week I mentioned four benefits of having an author podcast to build our platform. The reasons are compelling. But before jumping in, we need to consider if podcasting makes sense for us. I was an early adopter of podcasting. Though I don’t have the dates, it was shortly after I started blogging, so around […]

Telephone Answering Service

Are You in the Information Processing Business?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Although it’s not my intention to relabel the answering service industry, it is my goal to redefine it to better understand the potential that exists. Instead of calling yourself an answering service, let’s adopt the mindset that we are “information processors.” So stop thinking calls and start thinking communication. Yes, […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Know What You’re Capable of Accomplishing as a Writer?

For the past ten weeks, I’ve been on a writing quest, a grand creative adventure. I needed to write an 85,000-word book and have it done by the end of November. I’m pleased to report that I made it. This stands as one of my most significant accomplishments as a writer (so far). Although writing […]