Writing and Publishing

UR Turn: What’s the Best Writing Advice You’ve Ever Heard?

We’re wise to learn what we can from other writers who have gone before us This blog is about writing and publishing. I share what I know in the posts, and you share what you know in the comments. Our monthly segment, UR Turn, allows us to focus on this. We can learn from each […]

Healthcare Call Centers

It’s Hard to Plan When You Don’t Know What to Expect

Forecasting the future of healthcare remains a challenge By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Regardless of what you think about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the fact that it’s future remains in limbo means that planning in the healthcare industry is challenging at best. Last week, what initially appeared as a final effort to repeal and […]


The Effects of High Unemployment

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Ten years ago, the unemployment rate was running high. Businesses needing to hire found themselves in a “buyer’s market.” This was what I wrote back then: There are plenty of people looking for work. This results in more applicants to pick from for each opening. High unemployment has also served […]

Telephone Answering Service

What’s Your Exit Strategy?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD If you own a telephone answering service, you spend a lot of time thinking about the future. And if you’re not the owner, you should also consider what’s ahead. More on that later. Future considerations for owners may include growth, acquisition, or new technology. However, when you think about the […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Need a Blog to Build Your Author Platform?

Too many experts say writers must blog, but that may not be good advice As writers, we’re told that if we want to be successful at publishing our work, then we need an author platform. Yes, this is true. Publishers expect writers to have a platform. In fact, it seems, the platform may supersede writing […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Promise of Telephone Triage and Physician Locator Services

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Telephone triage is a great solution that meets the healthcare needs of many patients. However, though I write about telephone triage, I have no first-hand experience. Alas, there are no telephone triage services available to me—or at least none that I’m aware of. I wish there were. It may shock […]

Writing and Publishing

What Are You Willing to Give Up So You Can Write?

Being a writer requires giving up other things, and making it a priority requires sacrifice It’s been said that some people really don’t want to write, they want to have written. They want to see the results, without putting in the work. Yet writing requires effort and that effort necessitates that we prioritize the things […]

Writing and Publishing

RIP Google+

Google+ Shuts Down April 2, 2019 Google+ launched in June 2011, among much fanfare, to challenge other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Specifically, it was Google’s attempt to go head to head with Facebook. Over the years, Google+ has gone through some changes and endured much criticism, while gaining a few loyal users. […]

Call Center

Great Customer Experience Starts with Customer Service Essentials

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In the call center space, customer experience looms as the hot buzzword of our industry. But beyond all the talk, I wonder if it’s not just a new label on a proven theme that’s been around for a long time. The basis for customer experience resides in customer service. Customer […]


The Secret to Successful Joint Ventures and Strategic Partnerships

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Astute entrepreneurs are always seeking ways to improve their business, increase revenue, and diversify into related business lines. During this time of doubtful economic conditions, with possible decreased sales and smaller profits, it is even more critical to explore ways to bolster business prospects. One such way is by working […]